Stop! This project is not yet complete, feel free to hack and get it working but no guarantees that it works.
Feel free to open an issue if you have suggestions or comments.
You can use the OIDC OmniAuth openid_connect
gem to use FusionAuth with OmniAuth until this project is complete.
Add to your Gemfile:
gem 'omniauth-fusionauth'
If you are already using OmniAuth, adding FusionAuth is as simple as adding a new provider to your OmniAuth::Builder
For example, in Rails you would add this in config/initializers/omniauth.rb
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider :fusionauth, ENV['FUSIONAUTH_CLIENT_ID'], ENV['FUSIONAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET'], {scope: 'openid' }
# other providers here
## Contributors
Special thanks to @uxtronaut for assistance with the initial build out of this OmniAuth strategy.