Kubernetes and Docker-compose orchestration files for bagpipe-score.
The docker-compose file uses docker images stored on dockerhub.
Command :
docker-compose up
Kubernetes yaml files uses docker images stored on google cloud. Those are the actual files used in bagpipe-scores gcloud kubernetes cluster.
Command :
# Instantiates deployments
kubectl create -f lilypond-web-deployment.yaml
kubectl create -f midi2mp3-web-deployment.yaml
kubectl create -f gateway-web-deployment.yaml
# Instantiates services for API pods
kubectl create -f lilypond-web-service.yaml
kubectl create -f midi2mp3-web-service.yaml
# Instantiates gateway-web service with exposition on static IP pointed by bagpipe-scores.com DNS
kubectl expose -f gateway-web-service.yaml --type "LoadBalancer" --load-balancer-ip=''