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NeteApp is a React project in TypeScript for Ivanete's car scheduling. This app connects with Firebase for authentication and storing data.

How to run

Configure Firebase

The app connects with Firebase, for this it is necessary to create a Firebase project at Configure the project to use Google Authentication and Firestore.

The project created will have key's and identifications that should be added into a .env file at the project's root. This environment file will also need a admin Whatsapp number, for sending confirmation messages for the car's bookings.

The .env file should follow the example:

# Firebase
REACT_APP_FIREBASE_API_KEY=XXXX # Firebase project's API Key # Firebase project's auth domain
REACT_APP_FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID=XXXX # Firebase project's ID # Firebase project's storage bucket
REACT_APP_FIREBASE_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID=XXXX # Firebase project's messaging sender ID
REACT_APP_FIREBASE_MESSAGING_APP_ID=1:XXXX:web:XXXX # Firebase project's messaging app ID
REACT_APP_FIREBASE_MEASUREMENT_ID=G-XXXX # Firebase project's  measurement ID

# Admin's Whatsapp number
REACT_APP_ZAP_NUMBER=5561999999999 # Whatsapp number with DDD and DDI

Install dependencies

With this configuration ready it is necessary to install the dependencies. using the following command:

npm install

Run in Development mode

After the install is completed you can run it with the command:

npm start

This runs the app in the 3000 port. It can be accessed at: http://localhost:3000

Build the app for Production

To deploy the app it is necessary to build it, using the command bellow:

npm run build

This command will create a build/ folder which is what should be deployed.