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  • Decentralised Social Networks like Diaspora, and Arena.

Problem Statement

Over time the celebrity lost their prominence as well as fame. Existing social networking platforms failed to bridge the gap between followers and celebrities. Hence this is high time that we should reinvent the social network with the help of blockchain technology for the entertainment industry.

What it does

Our platform is designed in such a way that it would give all the lost glory to celebrities and followers to find the right community to indulge in discussions. GlamGram essentially helps to build a strong and active fanbase, where the interactions and engagement are scored, which then can be converted to super-duper offers.The introduction of NFT will skyrocket the brand value of celebrities and also imply an investment option to followers. Followers could use their NFT collections as a social wallet.

How we built it

  • Solidity Contracts
  • Arbitrum Network Deployment
  • Polygon Network Deployment

Challenges we ran into

  • Beginner to Arbitrum Rollups
  • Beginner on DeFi Ecosystem

Accomplishments that we're proud of

  • Our experience design concepts
  • Our novel features

What we learned

  • Arbitrum Rollup Architecture

What's next for AnkarNet

  • Completion of the DApp
  • Integration with Graph protocol
  • Integration with IPFS Minty
  • Integration with Biconomy SDK