A signal synthesizer with the capability of setting a single or a complex set of freqs with any desirable frequency & amplitude
This project is a complete set of signal generator including a hardware and software on PC. Output frequency ranges from 1Hz to 10MHz with a programmable peak-to-peak amplitude up to 3v. The hardware contains an ARM micro-controller, a DDS (Direct Digital Synthesizer) chip (AD9834 from Analog Devices) and a VGA (Variable Gain Amplifier) (AD8370 from Analog Devices).
Functional Block Digram:
On the hardware side a stm32f103c8t6 ARM micro-controller controls the DDS and VGA. Also, the stm32 chip has an interface with PC through USB (custom HID class).
On the software side there is a Java application that interacts with user. On the app a freq/gain/time table is provided in order to set user values.
The frequency ranges from 1Hz to 10MHz. The table can be saved up to 4 presets which facilitate the data reservation for later uses.
The firmware has been developed through STM32CubeIDE and STM32CudeMX: Firmware_main_quickview
The Java application hosted on PC has been developed through NetBeansIDE:
Note that the Java application can run in both windows and Linux platform.
The following show a snapshot of configuration by Java application which applies 3 signal with different freqs and amplitudes and durations. The results of output analog signal are shown as well.