I'm a BTech student in Computer Science and Engineering at Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat. I have a strong passion for programming, web development, and machine learning. Currently, I am focused on building impactful projects and enhancing my skills in full-stack development.
Here are some of the projects I've worked on:
Learning Log: A web application built with Django, Python, and Bootstrap that allows users to track their learning progress by creating and managing topics and entries.
E-Plant Shopping: A frontend React application designed for plant enthusiasts to browse and purchase various plants online. The app features an intuitive user interface, detailed product listings, and seamless navigation for a smooth shopping experience.
ATS Optimized Resume Analyzer: An ATS-optimized resume analyzer that provides personalized feedback and insights using Streamlit and Google Generative AI.
RPG Dragon Repeller: A simple RPG game developed in JavaScript that challenges players in a magical world.
- Languages: Python, JavaScript, C, C++
- Frameworks: React, Flask, Django, Express.js
- Tools: Docker, Git, GitHub
- Databases: MongoDB, MySQL
- Backend development using Node.js and MongoDB
- Advanced concepts in Machine Learning and Data Science
- CI/CD Tools and Microservices Architecture
I aim to secure a position in a reputed company where I can contribute to impactful projects and further enhance my skills.
Feel free to reach out to me via LinkedIn or email. I welcome collaboration on interesting projects!
Thank you for visiting my profile! ๐