I have created a responsive book library using React for the frontend and MongoDB for the backend.
- Frontend:
- Backend:
- Login and Sign-up with authorization.
- Each book has its own about page.
- You can read a book.
- You can add a book to your library.
- You can remove a book from your library.
- You can comment on a book.
- You can remove your comment.
- You can add your own book.
- You can delete your own book.
- You can search for a book.
- There are categories based on each book's category.
- There is a category for books added by people.
- You can check out books written by well known authors.
- There are Fairy Tales books.
- Book of the day section changes every 24 hours.
I have used puppeteer package to scrap books pages.
- The pages of the Fairy Tales are real pages.
- The pages of the other books are the same.
I couldn't find real pages for the other books so i just scraped random chapter
of a book and added it to the pages just to fill them.
- You can click on the email icon in the footer to contact me.
- Material UI
- Bootstrap
- React Page Flip
- React Toastify
I have created a responsive book library using React for the frontend and MongoDB for the backend.
- Backend:
- Frontend:
- Mongoose
- Express
- Dotenv
- Cors
- Bcrypt
- JWT Token
- Puppeteer
- There are four schemas. [User , Books , FairyTales , Comments]
- There are authorization tokens for each user.
- There is an error middleware.
- I used puppeteer locally because i couldn't deploy my backend with it. [puppeteer.js shows the work]