Simple tool for logging different player counts of battlefield servers. Writes data to stdout + to a csv. Also used to log to discord if a server switches to unranked while being online.
usage: [-h] -v {bf3,bf4} -g GUID [-w CSV_FILE] [-i INTERVAL] [--webhook WEBHOOK]
Simple tool for logging different player counts of battlefield servers. Writes data to stdout + to a csv.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v {bf3,bf4}, --version {bf3,bf4}
Game version.
-g GUID, --guid GUID Server GUID
-w CSV_FILE, --csv-file CSV_FILE
Optional path to csv log. Default server_log.csv
-i INTERVAL, --interval INTERVAL
Logging interval in seconds. Min 10s.
--webhook WEBHOOK Discord webhook for unranked logging.
- aiohttp (
pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt
or use a venv)
This project is free software and licensed under the GPLv3.