This module add the battleground Slavery Valley.
Put a star ⭐️ in the repo if you like it!
- Any faction has 80 points (as default), the goal is decrease the points of the opposite faction by killing the players or the boss.
- There are three bases: Mine, Restless Graveyard, Prison.
- Restless Graveyard and Mine give you the Spirit Healer of the base.
- Mine, if taken, buffs the team with Mine Buff, it increases your damage by 5%.
- Restless Graveyard, if taken, buffs the team with Restless Soul Graveyard Buff, it increases your stamina.
- If you kill a player you inflict 1 point to the opposite faction, if you take Prison you inflict 2 points when you kill a player.
- The base Prison has no graveyard.
- There are two bosses one for each faction.
- When you kill a boss inflict 10 points to the opposite faction, if you took all the bases, when you kill the boss you inflict 25 points to the opposite faction.
- If one of the two bosses die, the other boss disappear.
- The bosses (re)spawn after 5 minutes.
This module requires:
- AzerothCore v2 from this revision
Install the module step by step:
1) Simply place the module, in server-side/mod-bg-slaveryvalley, under the `modules` directory of your AzerothCore source.
2) Import the SQL manually to the right Database (auth, world or characters) or with the `` (if `` provided).
3) Re-run cmake and launch a clean build of AzerothCore.
The client data files (dbc, maps etc.) to load the battleground server-side are in
Downloaded the files put them in your server/data/ folder, you need to overwrite the old dbc files and just add the others.
You need to download the patch-S.mpq and put it in your WoW/Data/ folder or in your WoW/Data/enUS/ folder, with the following name: patch-enUS-4.MPQ. If you have a different client than enUS rename it with your client-lang name, for example for ruRU client put the patch in WoW/Data/ruRU/ and rename it as patch-ruRU-4.MPQ.
The languages supported from this patch are: enUS, enGB, ruRU, frFR, deDe, esES, esMX.
To use this patch correctly you need this wow.exe cracked version, you can take it using the following download links:
If you need to change the module configuration, go to your server configuration folder (where your worldserver
or worldserver.exe
is), copy slavery_valley.conf.dist
to slavery_valley.conf
and edit that new file.
- Fix the config system
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