This repository shows an implementation of the idea to use a passport for authorization.
- Passport: A passport has to be enabled and valid to generate a JWT token.
- PassportHolder: A passport is issued by an authority to a specific holder. This class contains all information about this holder.
- PassportVisa: For every endpoint you can specify a necessary visa. This has to be granted by an authority.
- PassportToken: Credentials at a specific provider will generate a token. This token is needed for generating a JWT token.
For realisation following concepts has been used.
- Clean architecture
- Domain driven design
- Message pipeline (Request -> Authorization -> Validation -> Handler -> Result -> Response) using Mediator
- ORM using Dapper
Important! There aren't any src/Presentation/appsettings.json files included in this repository. Create these files manually with following content.
"AllowedHosts": "*",
"ConnectionStrings": {
"Default": "Data Source=[DATABASE_NAME].db; Mode=ReadWrite",
"Passport": "Data Source=[DATABASE_NAME].db; Mode=ReadWrite",
"PhysicalData": "Data Source=[DATABASE_NAME].db; Mode=ReadWrite"
"DataProtection": {
"KeyStoragePath": "[PATH]",
"EncryptionKey": "[KEY]"
"SignatureHash": {
"PublicKey": "[KEY]"
"Logging": {
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Information",
"Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Information",
"Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection": "Information"
"JwtSetting": {
"SecretKey": "[KEY]",
"Issuer": "https://localhost:[PORT]",
"Audience": "https://localhost:[PORT]"
- For reference to generate a database see src/Infrastructure/Extension/Passport/...Extension.cs.
- Use interface src/Application/Interface/DataAccess/IDataAccess for implementing any relational database and mark an inherited class with the interface IPassportDataAccess (see src/Infrastructure/DataAccess/PassportDataAccess.cs).
Note: Each passport can be enabled by an existing authority. Initial this authorized passport must be created manually in the database.