You provide the text.
We make a list of keywords from it.
Keyword List Generator (hosted at
Demo Instructions :
- Insert your source text into the input textarea.
- Observe the output textarea populate with your keyword data.
Keyword List Generator is packed with features.
- Ignores common words.
- Ignoring common words is optional and controlled by a checkbox.
- Ignored common words form a vast list of classes.
- A hand-picked list of ~1,100, common words with little or no meaning on their own (such as "the", "at", "there", etc.).
- Symbols and repeated symbols are excluded.
- Numbers are excluded in these forms: 0001, 1), (1), [1], pp1, no1, pg1, one, first, firstly, first-ly, first'ly, i, i'th, ith, i-th, i-thly, i'thly.
- Letters are excluded in these forms: a, a), (a), [a].
- Onomatopoeia are excluded, for instance: aahhhh, ooooo, ohhhhh, haaaaa.
- Keywords may be sorted by most/least common.
- Input can be cleansed of HTML.
- Displaying Keyword counts can be enabled/disabled, to make for easy an copy/paste.
- Generates keyword phrases ("United States of America", etc.), as well as single keywords.
- Keyword phrases is optional and controlled by a checkbox.
- Phrases can be 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 words long.
- Phrases entirely composed of ignored words are also themselves ignored.
All you need to do is:
- Include the library
- Include elements that the library binds to, such as the ".input-area" and ".input-area" event handlers.
- See the "Event and Element Handlers" section of the code in keyword-list-generator.js for more details on the selectors of these elements.
<td valign="top">
<center><h4>Text to Find Keywords From</h4></center>
<td valign="top" width="80%">
<center><h4>Keywords from Provided Text</h4></center>
<td valign="top" width="80%">
<textarea name="input-area" cols="50" rows="30" id="input-area" class="input-area">Type or copy-and-paste your text into this text box.</textarea>
<td valign="top" width="80%">
<textarea name="output-area" cols="50" rows="30" id="output-area" class="output-area">Then your keywords list will appear in this text box.</textarea>
The entire project is coded in the following...
- JavaScript - For generating the keyword list from an input source.
- jQuery - For making the form elements responsive to the keyword generator.
- CSS - For stylizing the form for entering the keyword source.
- HTML - For providing the framework that the jQuery and CSS work upon.
- getTimeOutDelay()
- Get the delay of the timeout for typing.
- getMaxOnomatopoeiaLength()
- Get the max length of an onomatopoeia to exclude from the keywords list.
- processingText()
- Get the text to display when the keyword list generator is thinking.
- waitingForUserText()
- Get the text to display when the keyword list generator is waiting.
- getKeywordCountSeparator()
- Get the text that separates a keyword from its count.
- getKeywordSeparator()
- Get the text that separates a keyword from another keyword.
- getKeywordSectionSeparator()
- Get the text that separates a keyword section from other sections.
- $('.input-area').keyup(function(e) {...})
- Run findKeywords() only after so much time has delayed from keyup movements.
- $('.input-area').click(function(e) {...})
- Clear the input area of its default instruction set when input area is clicked.
- $('.find-keywords-button').click(function(e) {...})
- User clicked the "Find Keywords" button.
- Regenerate the keyword list.
- $('.strip-html').click(function(e) {...})
- User changed the option of stripping HTML from the input.
- Regenerate the keyword list.
- $('.ignore-common-words').click(function(e) {...})
- User changed the option of ignoring common words in the keyword list.
- Regenerate the keyword list.
- $('.include-phrases').click(function(e) {...})
- User changed the option of including phrases in the keyword list.
- Regenerate the keyword list.
- $('.show-counts').click(function(e) {...})
- User changed the option of showing the keyword counts
- Regenerate the keyword list.
- $('#sort-order').change(function(e) {...})
- User changed the sort order of the keyword lists.
- Regenerate the keyword list.
- initiateApp()
- Clear the input area of its default instruction set.
- Bound to many event handlers.
- getInputWords()
- Get the input source for generating the keyword list.
- cleanupInput(args)
- Cleanup the input from the user.
- formatInput(args)
- Format the input from the user.
- Specifically, lowercase and, if necessary, strip HTML.
- getCleanupReplacements()
- Get text replacements for cleanup.
- replaceBulk(args)
- Replace the cleanup replacements with their correct values.
- getSkipWords()
- Get the common words to ignore.
- findKeywords()
- Main function for finding the keywords.
- getIgnoreKeywordsHash()
- Get a hash of all keywords to ignore.
- findKeywordPhrases(args)
- Find the keyword phrases. Return them in the order of longest phrases to shortest phrases.
- For example: "Industrial Workers of the World", "Revolutionary Anarchist", etc..
- getTwoWordPhraseCounts(args)
- Get 2-word phrase keywords.
- getThreeWordPhraseCounts(args)
- Get 3-word phrase keywords.
- getFourWordPhraseCounts(args)
- Get 4-word phrase keywords.
- getFiveWordPhraseCounts(args)
- Get 5-word phrase keywords.
- getSixWordPhraseCounts(args)
- Get 6-word phrase keywords.
- getSingleKeywordCounts(args)
- Get the counts of single keywords.
- sortKeywords(args)
- Given keywords and their counts, sort them according to their counts.
- displayKeywords(args)
- Given keyworsd and their counts, format them in a way that can be displayed.
- getIgnoreKeywords()
- Get keywords to ignore.
- If a keyword matches one of these, it will not show up in the final results.
- getIgnoreKeywords_multiplySymbols(args)
- Given a list of symbols, returns an array containing repeats of these symbols.
- For example, -, --, ---,... *, **, ***.
- getIgnoreKeywords_multiplySymbol(args)
- Given a symbol, return an array containing repeats of that symbol.
- For example: -, --, ---, ----, -----, ------.
- getIgnoreKeywords_zeroPadSymbols(args)
- Given a list of symbols, return an array of their zeropadded values.
- For example: 2, 02, 002...., 09, 009, 0009.
- getIgnoreKeywords_zeroPadSymbol(args)
- Given a symbol, return an array of multiply-zero-padded symbols of that symbol type.
- For example: 1, 01, 001, 0001, 00001, 000001.
- pad(n, width, z)
- Zero-pad or any-pad a string.
- For example: 0000001.
- getIgnoreKeywords_dashReplaceSpaces(args)
- Given an array of strings, replace all their spaces with dashes.
- For example: nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, etc.
- getIgnoreKeywords_allDecoratedNumberSymbols(args)
- Get all decorated number symbols for ignoring.
- For example: no. 1, pp 2, -1-, 2, etc..
- getIgnoreKeywords_allDecoratedNumberSymbols_rightDecorations()
- Get all right-of-number decorated numbers for ignoring.
- For example: (currently none).
- getIgnoreKeywords_allDecoratedNumberSymbols_leftDecorations()
- Get all left-of-number decorated numbers for ignoring.
- For example: pp1, pp2, no1, no2, etc..
- getIgnoreKeywords_allNumberSymbols()
- Get all numbers for excluding.
- For example: 1, 2, 3, 4, ... 99.
- getIgnoreKeywords_allNumberPlaces()
- Get all number places for excluding.
- For example: 1st, 1'th, 1-th, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, etc..
- getIgnoreKeywords_allNumberPlaces_suffixes_common()
- Get the common suffixes for number-words.
- For example: 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, etc..
- getIgnoreKeywords_allNumberPlaces_suffixes_uncommon(args)
- Get the uncommon suffixes for number-words.
- For example: 1st, 2nd, 3rd.
- getIgnoreKeywords_allNumberPlaces_appendSeparator(args)
- Get all combinations of a number of a suffix given all types of separators.
- For example: 1-st, 1'st, 1 st.
- getIgnoreKeywords_allNumberWordthlys()
- Get the "number-wordth-ly" list of ignore words.
- For example: firstly, secondly, thirdly, etc..
- getIgnoreKeywords_latinAlphabet()
- Get the latin alphabet to ignore.
- For example: a, b, c, d, e, etc..
- getIgnoreKeywords_latinAlphabetDecorated()
- Get a fully-decorated latin alphabet to ignore.
- For example: a), b), c), -a-, -b-, -c-...
- getIgnoreKeywords_latinAlphabetDecorated_decorateLetter()
- Decorate a letter with its variants.
- For example a), a], a-, (a, {a, etc..
- getIgnoreKeywords_latinAlphabetDecorated_decorateLetter_leftDecorations()
- Get the decorative items that appear to the left of decorated letters.
- For example: (, [, {, *...
- getIgnoreKeywords_latinAlphabetDecorated_decorateLetter_rightDecorations()
- Get the decorative items that appear to the right of decorated letters.
- For example: ), ], }, *...
- getIgnoreKeywords_latinAlphabetDecorated_decorateLetter_dualDecorations()
- Get the decorative items that appear to the left and right of decorated letters.
- For example: **, --, [], {}, (), etc..
- getIgnoreKeywords_romanNumerals()
- Get the Roman Numerals to ignore.
- For example: iv, iv'ly, iv-ly, (iv), [iv], etc..
- getIgnoreKeywords_romanNumerals_numbersOnly()
- Get a list of Roman numerals to ignore.
- For example: i, ii, iii, etc..
- getIgnoreKeywords_romanNumerals_mergeLists(args)
- Given two lists of roman numerals, merge them together.
- For example: (i)x, (ii)x, (iii)x, (iv)x,... (ix)x. etc..
- getIgnoreKeywords_onomatopoeia()
- Get the onomatopoeia to ignore.
- For example: aahhh, oooo, ohhhhh, haaaa, etc..
- getIgnoreKeywords_onomatopoeia_singles()
- Get the single-letter onomatopoeia to ignore.
- For example: aaa, eeee, oooo, uuuuuu, etc..
- getIgnoreKeywords_onomatopoeia_singles_list()
- Get the single-letter onomatopoeia list to ignore.
- For example: a, aa, aaa, aaaa, aaaaa, etc..
- getIgnoreKeywords_onomatopoeia_doubles()
- Get the double-letter onomatopoeia to ignore.
- For example: ahhhhh, ohhhhhhh, eeeeeppppp, eeeekk, etc..
- getIgnoreKeywords_onomatopoeia_doubles_list(args)
- Get the double-letter onomatopoeia list to ignore.
- For example: ah, ahh, ahhh, ahhhh, ahhhhh, ahhhhhh, etc..
- getIgnoreKeywords_allNumberWords()
- Get a list of number words.
- For example: one, two, three, four...
- getIgnoreKeywords_allNumberWords_upToNinetyNine()
- Get all number words from one to ninety nine.
- For example: one, two, three...twenty four, twenty five, twenty six, etc..
- getIgnoreKeywords_allNumberWords_remainingDigits(args)
- Get the remaining digits to ignore.
- For example: one thousand, fifty five hundred, seventy eight million, etc..
- getIgnoreKeywords_allNumberWordths()
- Get numbereth words.
- For example: first, second, third, fourth, etc..
- getIgnoreKeywords_allRightNumberDecorations()
- Get all symbols that typically decorate the right side of a number.
- For example: (currently none)
- getIgnoreKeywords_allLeftNumberDecorations()
- Get all symbols that typically decorate the left side of a number.
- For example: pp, pg, no, etc..
- getIgnoreKeywords_spaces()
- Get spaces to ignore.
- For example: (weird UTF-8 spaces)
- getIgnoreKeywords_simpleSymbols()
- Get a list of simple symbols which, themselves or multiples of, should never be listed as keywords.
- For example: ., !, ?, @, :, ;, #, etc..
- getIgnoreKeywords_advancedSymbols()
- Get a list of advanced symbols which behave largely like the simple symbols, except they are more exceptional.
- For example: …, ?, ?, §, ¶, etc..
- commonNumberSuffixes()
- Get a list of common number suffixes.
- For example: th, as in "5th".
- uncommonNumberSuffixes()
- Get a list of uncommon number suffixes.
- These must be ordered accordingly: 0=>st ("1st"), 1=>nd ("2nd"), 2=>rd("3rd").
- For example: 'st', 'nd', 'rd'.
- numberSuffixSeparators()
- Get the separators found between a number and its suffix.
- For example: "-" as in "5-th", or "'" as in "6'thly", etc..
- getIgnoreKeywords_latinAlphabetDecorated_decorateLetter_dualDecorations_parts()
- Get decorator parts for latin letters.
- For example: " as in "a", - as in -b-, * as in c, etc..
- getIgnoreKeywords_allNumberWords_firstDigit()
- Get all, single-digit number words to ignore.
- For example: one, two, three, four, etc..
- getIgnoreKeywords_allNumberWords_upToTwenty()
- Get all number words up to twenty to ignore.
- For example: ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, etc..
- getIgnoreKeywords_allNumberWords_upToNinetyNine_secondDigit()
- Get all number words second-digit increment to ignore and concat with others to ignore.
- For example: twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, etc..
- getIgnoreKeywords_allNumberWords_remainingDigits_baseIncrements()
- Get additional base increments for the "one to ninety" lists.
- For example: hundred, thousand, million, etc..
- getIgnoreKeywords_allNumberWordths_firstDigit()
- Get all number'th words of the first digit to ignore.
- For example: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, etc..
- getIgnoreKeywords_allNumberWordths_upToTwenty()
- Get all number'th words up to twenty to ignore.
- For example: tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, etc..
- getRomanNumerals_firstDigitValues()
- Get the first digit (0-9) values for the Roman Numeral system.
- For example: (nothing; i.e., zero), i, ii, iii, etc..
- getRomanNumerals_secondDigitValues()
- Get the second digit (00-90) values for the Roman Numeral system.
- For example: (nothing; i.e., zero), x (10), xx (20), xxx (30), etc..
- getRomanNumerals_thirdDigitValues()
- Get the third digit (000-900) values for the Roman Numeral system.
- For example: (nothing; i.e., zero), c (100), cc (200), ccc (300), etc..
- getRomanNumerals_fourthDigitValues()
- Get the fourth digit (0000-9000) values for the Roman Numeral system.
- For example: (nothing; i.e., zero), m (1000), mm (2000), mmm (3000), etc..
- getIgnoreKeywords_onomatopoeia_singleLetter()
- Get the single letter onomatopoeia letters.
- Excluded words will be made from multiple strings of varying length of this concated letter, for instance: mmmm, uuuuuuuu, aa, ooo.
- For example: a, e, m, o, u.
- getIgnoreKeywords_onomatopoeia_doubleLetter()
- Get the doubl eletter onomatopoeia letters.
- For example: [a,h] ("ahhhhh"), [e,k] ("eeeek"), [h,m] ("hhhhhmmmmmm"), [o,h] ("ohhhhhhhh"), etc..
- getIgnoreKeywords_allWords()
- Concat together the master-list of hand-chosen, common-words for exclusion.
- getIgnoreKeywords_allWords_symbolWords()
- Get the common words to ignore that start with: a symbol.
- getIgnoreKeywords_allWords_numberWords()
- Get the common words to ignore that start with: a number.
- getIgnoreKeywords_allWords_A_Words()
- Get the common words to ignore that start with: A.
- getIgnoreKeywords_allWords_B_Words()
- Get the common words to ignore that start with: B.
- getIgnoreKeywords_allWords_C_Words()
- Get the common words to ignore that start with: C.
- getIgnoreKeywords_allWords_D_Words()
- Get the common words to ignore that start with: D.
- getIgnoreKeywords_allWords_E_Words()
- Get the common words to ignore that start with: E.
- getIgnoreKeywords_allWords_F_Words()
- Get the common words to ignore that start with: F.
- getIgnoreKeywords_allWords_G_Words()
- Get the common words to ignore that start with: G.
- getIgnoreKeywords_allWords_H_Words()
- Get the common words to ignore that start with: H.
- getIgnoreKeywords_allWords_I_Words()
- Get the common words to ignore that start with: I.
- getIgnoreKeywords_allWords_J_Words()
- Get the common words to ignore that start with: J.
- getIgnoreKeywords_allWords_K_Words()
- Get the common words to ignore that start with: K.
- getIgnoreKeywords_allWords_L_Words()
- Get the common words to ignore that start with: L.
- getIgnoreKeywords_allWords_M_Words()
- Get the common words to ignore that start with: M.
- getIgnoreKeywords_allWords_N_Words()
- Get the common words to ignore that start with: N.
- getIgnoreKeywords_allWords_O_Words()
- Get the common words to ignore that start with: O.
- getIgnoreKeywords_allWords_P_Words()
- Get the common words to ignore that start with: P.
- getIgnoreKeywords_allWords_Q_Words()
- Get the common words to ignore that start with: Q.
- getIgnoreKeywords_allWords_R_Words()
- Get the common words to ignore that start with: R.
- getIgnoreKeywords_allWords_S_Words()
- Get the common words to ignore that start with: S.
- getIgnoreKeywords_allWords_T_Words()
- Get the common words to ignore that start with: T.
- getIgnoreKeywords_allWords_U_Words()
- Get the common words to ignore that start with: U.
- getIgnoreKeywords_allWords_V_Words()
- Get the common words to ignore that start with: v.
- getIgnoreKeywords_allWords_W_Words()
- Get the common words to ignore that start with: W.
- getIgnoreKeywords_allWords_X_Words()
- Get the common words to ignore that start with: X.
- getIgnoreKeywords_allWords_Y_Words()
- Get the common words to ignore that start with: Y.
- getIgnoreKeywords_allWords_Z_Words()
- Get the common words to ignore that start with: Z.
- getIgnoreKeywords_allWords_nonEnglishWords()
- Get the common words to ignore that start with: a non-english character.