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Salvo Virga edited this page Jun 5, 2019 · 19 revisions

FAQs and Troubleshooting

Which version of Sunrise.OS/Sunrise Workbench is supported?

We support the latest releases of Sunrise Workbench, currently the master branch of iiwa_stack has been tested on Sunrise 1.10 to 1.16. The previous versions of Sunrise Workbench (1.5, 1.7 and 1.9) all require different tiny modifications to iiwa_stack. If you are using those old versions, we suggest you upgrade to newer ones. Upon request, we can also provide a version of iiwa_stack that support those old versions.

In general, the stack relies on the Connectivity/Servoing package of Sunrise Workbench. Therefore you need a version of Sunrise Workbench with that package installed.
If you plan to buy an iiwa and you want to use iiwa_stack, be clear with KUKA that you need the Servoing package.
The Connectivity package is not available for every version of Sunrise.OS, so far it was available for odd versions (1.5, 1.7, 1.9, 1.11, 1.13, 1.15).
If you don't have the Connectivity package, ask KUKA for it.
If you have a version of Sunrise.OS that doesn't support Connectivity, ask KUKA for a newer version that supports it.
Do you have the newest version of Sunrise.OS and it doesn't support Connectivity? Read about downgrade...

I have Sunrise version x.x.x, can I downgrade to a previous version?

You can't by yourself downgrade to a previous version of Sunrise.
With every new version you also install a new PDS Firmware on the robot, that can only be reverted by KUKA itself and I am quite sure they normally don't do it for customers (at least not for free). Ask them.

Is Gravity Compensation mode supported?

You could do it by setting a JointImpedanceControlMode that has:
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] as values for the joint stiffness and
[0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7] as values for the joint damping. To turn it off, you can just go back to PositionControlMode.

You can easily achieve that with the provided ROS Service

Are the inertia values in the URDF accurate?

They are probably not, the values for the 14kg iiwa comes from here.
The values for the 7kg iiwa are the same, and they should not be.
In short, do not rely on them too much. Check also issue #14

Launching roscore or a launch file nothing happens

Usually a problem with your network setting.
If you set the ROS_MASTER_URI as described here, your ROS is expecting to have a network interface on that IP address. If you don't have any network interface set to that IP, it is going to hang there waiting for it.

I can read the state of the robot, but it doesn't move when I send commands

Usually a problem with the network settings between the external Linux machine and the Cabinet.
If it happens always check :

Other useful Robotic Applications that you might want to have on the robot

It is always useful to have the LBR example applications on the robot, plus you would need to have the RoboticApplication to reference its position/GMS.
You can create it by right-clicking on a Sunrise Project within Sunrise Workbench and select :
New > Other... > Sunrise > Application for Position and GMS Referencing of LBR iiwa