Still under construction
This package allows one to import a number of observational datasets in a format compatible with IMAGINE.
One can the available datasets using the package's show_available
import imagine_datasets as img_data
# Shows a list of available packages
This will print the details of all the available datasets to screen. For example, the part of this output corresponding to the Oppermann2012 Faraday depth map is:
Class: imagine_datasets.HEALPix.fd.Oppermann2012
Observable: fd
Type: HEALPix
Bibliographic ref: Oppermann et al. (2012) A&A, 542, A93
A dataset can be used in an IMAGINE inference pipeline by simply
instantiating its corresponding class and including it in a
object, for example,
import imagine as img
import imagine_datasets as img_data
dset = img_data.HEALPix.fd.Oppermann2012(Nside=64)
Once loaded, the dataset contents can be used as a regular IMAGINE dataset:
measurements = img.observables.Measurements(dset)
Additionally, the datasets in this repository come with handy attributes which point to the original publications
citation = dset.ref
citation_url = dset.ref_url
Datasets in this repository also support caching. Usually, a dataset is downloaded when it is requested (i.e. instantiated) for the first time. If a cache directory is set, the data is saved to disk and, thus, will not need to be downloaded again.
One can choose cache directory setting the module variable
or using the environment variable
, for example including the following line in
your .bashrc file:
export IMAGINE_DATASETS_CACHE_DIR=foo/bar/DatasetCacheDir