The main purpose of this project is to bring back to life PCs made up of old pieces of hardware and turn them into the Swiss-Army knife of ICT students. We are also concerned about the environmental issues that our world is facing in the last few years, for that reason we made lowering computers' carbon footprint our secondary mission. By building a lightweight Linux distribution, perfectly suitable to the needs of the average sysadmin, we hope to spread the pleasure of minimal operating systems and sustainable computing.
- Alt+c --> copy text
- Alt+p --> paste text
- Alt-s --> search inside the terminal. Hit n to go ahead
Theme: akwa-dark
Icons: adwaita
- Roboto Condensed for GUI's text
- Tamsyn for terminal
Default user: fermios-user Password: fermi
Root user: root Password: fermi
setxkbmap it
Drivers installed using official Void guide. In order to connect to WiFi you may want to use Connman Automated configuration using scripts will be soon provided.
FermiOS is shipped with a pre-installed set of tools extremely useful for ICT students, along with 3 VMs (KVM virtualization). These VMs are carefully configured so that they take up a minimal amount of memory and other resources.
- Nmap
- sshd
- pio-cli
- miniterm