Simple JSON, Human-Readable Exporting. Create your own scripts in the worlds favorite programming language!
A Very Lightweight Windows Utilization Of RobotJS, IOHook, & Global-Mouse-Events
NodeJS - Latest Stable :
a.) Once NodeJS is installed, navigate to your folder of choice and download/clone this repository into that directory.
Optionally achieve this step quicker with git installed use:
git clone
b.) Open the cloned folder /RobotJSMacros/ and access your choice of CLI in the projects root directory. (Shift + Right-Click in the folder and powershell or cmd)
b.2) Ensure you are in the proper directory with the package.json and run npm i
in your CLI to install the prerequisite modules
a.) Recording:
a.1) To start a recording, run node record
in the projects root directory.
a.1 note) Recordings are saved in /saves/ in JSON format and utilize data.json to write the file names.
b.) Playing:
b.1) To play, run node play filename loopboolean
where arguments 2 & 3 are respectively the recording number and the true or false boolean to decide if it should loop
c.) Stopping: F12 is the stop key for recording and playing