This project is split up into 3 parts. The first one is the Backend-Service. This is just a tiny REST Endpoint implemented with JavaLin. mvn clean package will create a fat jar inside the folder target.
This are the shared implementations. Build this with mvn clean install to push the jar into your local .m2
This is the REST Endpoint that will be consumed from Swing and Vaadin. mvn clean package is enough, because we don´t need the jar for an other build. Inside the target folder you will find a fat jar named backend-app.jar Default port for the REST Endpoint will be the port 7000.
The Swing app could be build with mvn clean package. Inside the target folder you will find a fat jar with the name swing-app.jar If you are running the REST Endpoint on your local machine, you could just start the app.
The Vaadinapp could be build with mvn clean package. Inside the target folder you will fina a fat jar called vaadin-app.jar. If you are running the REST Endpoint on your local machine, you could just start the app. The Servlet-container will run on port 8899
Swing -> Vaadin
LoginDialog -> LoginView LoginService -> LoginService I18NProvider -> I18NProvider
per Component test in the cloud. Desktop scales only on one machine
The Swing app is using the MigLayout. You can find the whitepaper here:
- introduce the I18NProvider for the Swing App
- divide into components, introduce the EventBus