Modern rez-pip implementation. Very WIP.
- Install packages without using pip
- Specify Python version to use
- Better logs and CLI experience
- Use logging
- Progress bars for download?
- Confirm that Python 2 is supported
- It is not...
- Confirm that the theory works as expected
- Windows support
- Hook into rez
- Install each package in a different
- Create rez package
- Copy distribution files to rez package.
- Make it available as a rez plugin/sub-command
- Discover Python package using rez and use that when available. I think it's still fine to support non-rezified Python interpreters though.
- Only download+convert package if it's not already in the rez repositories.
- etc
- Install each package in a different
- Accept multiple package names as input
- Accept requirements files as input
- Accept wheel files as input
- Properly support platform tags (wheels tags) so that GLIBC is respected, min macOS is also supported.
- Correctly handle Requires-Python metadata.
- Review all TODOs in the code.
- What whould we do with
? - Gather a list of problematic packages from GitHub and test against them.
- Go through GitHub issues and summarize what needs to be covered by the new rez-pip.
- Support abi3 wheels (to avoid having to re-install C extensions for every python version).
- Basically a tag like 'cp36-abi3-manylinux_2_24_x86_64' means that it is compatible with Python 3.6+ and doesn't need to be recompiled for newer python versions.
For now, it can be run like this:
rez-pip2 pytest
By default, rez packages will be released. You can choose a different path by passing the --install-path
argument to rez-pip2.
- pytest
- PySide, PySIde2, PySide6
- PyQt4, PyQt5
- psycopg2-binary
- ipython
- numpy
- protobuf
- click
- Pygments (AcademySoftwareFoundation/rez#1430)
- google_api_core (AcademySoftwareFoundation/rez#1414)
- sphinx
- networkx[default] (AcademySoftwareFoundation/rez#1409)
- black (AcademySoftwareFoundation/rez#1341)
- pylint (AcademySoftwareFoundation/rez#1024)
- ampq (AcademySoftwareFoundation/rez#906)
- cmd2 (AcademySoftwareFoundation/rez#895)
- astroid (AcademySoftwareFoundation/rez#876)
- (AcademySoftwareFoundation/rez#503)
- Pillow
- BeautifulSoup4
- python-dateutil (AcademySoftwareFoundation/rez#390)