This repository contains a Python implementation of the Wasserstein Distance, Wasserstein Barycenter and Optimal Transport Map of Gaussian Processes. Based on the papers:
Mallasto, Anton, and Aasa Feragen. "Learning from uncertain curves: The 2-Wasserstein metric for Gaussian processes." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 2017. Matlab Implementation
Masarotto, Valentina, Victor M. Panaretos, and Yoav Zemel. "Procrustes metrics on covariance operators and optimal transportation of Gaussian processes." Sankhya A 81.1 (2019): 172-213.
Takatsu, Asuka. "Wasserstein geometry of Gaussian measures." Osaka Journal of Mathematics 48.4 (2011): 1005-1026.
contains all functions for computing Wasserstein distance, Barycenter and transport
includes several simple
includes functions for data preprocessing and visualization
- Python 3
- Numpy
- scipy
- Compute the Wasserstein distance between two Gaussian Processes
# Import the function
from wgpot import Wasserstein_GP
gp_0 = (mu_0, k_0)
gp_1 = (mu_1, k_1)
# mu_0/mu_1 (ndarray (n, 1)) is the mean of one Gaussian Process
# K_0/K_1 (ndarray (n, n)) is the covariance matrix of one
# Gaussain Process
wd_gp = Wasserstein_GP(gp_0, gp_1)
- Compute the Barycenter of a set of Gaussian Processes
# Import the functions
from wgpot import GP_W_barycenter, Wasserstein_GP
gp_list = [(gp_0, k_0), (gp_1, k_1), ..., (gp_m, k_m)]
# gp_list is the list of tuples contains the mean and covariance
# matrix of one Gaussian Process
mu_bc, k_bc = GP_W_barycenter(gp_list)
- Transport map (Push forward) from one Gaussian Process to another
from wgpot import expmap
v_mu, v_T = logmap(mu_0, k_0, mu_1, k_1)
# The logarithmic map from Gaussian Distributions on the
# Riemannian manifold with the Wasseerstein metric
q_mu, q_K = expmap(gp_1_mu, gp_1_K, v_mu_t, v_T_t)
# Exponential map on the Riemannian manifold. For more detials,
# please refer to [Takatsu, Asuka. 2001]
- The Wasserstein Barycenter between a set of Gaussian Processes
- The transport map (geodesic) between two Gaussian Processes
- The transport map between two 2-D Gaussian Processes