A Price Tracker for Amazon and much more
- Think about the data minimation if only save the prev data and if needed the change data
- Think of a way to prevent sedning if delivery day changes due to day switch
- When the delivery switches then the current day switches or the actual delivery is delayed
- Add Routes to get the data for a Product for maybe a Chart
- Update this to the new mysqlAPI (Schemas / latest / etc.)
- Think in general of authentication
- Data minimalization as described under
- Think in general of authorization
- Authentication
- Implement the new table accounts schema
- Email Adress
- bind products
- Define for a product indicators wich shold be logged
- Maybe bring this to public
Only save new data if something changed so dont save every hour the data! instead only save the data if something really changed
in 1 year: n(procuts) * 24*365
n = 100: 876k
n = 400: 3.5 Million