0000.txt - *** -MacOS- Photo Booth Prank- ***
0001.txt - *** -Makes your malduino into a physical computer key.- ***
0011.txt - *** -Linux- and -MacOS- sudo password grabber- ***
0101.txt - *** -Windows- Rubber Ducky Firefox Password Stealer- ***
0110.txt - *** -MacOS- Clears terminal, gets wifi info, copies to txt file and sends to attackers email.- ***
0111.txt - *** -MacOS- Follow account on instagram- ***
1000.txt - *** -MacOS- Ascii Prank- ***
1001.txt - *** -MacOS- Passwordless SSH access (ssh keys)- ***
1010.txt - *** -MacOS- Effect: opens the highlighted website which is an endless loop of the nyancat animation.- ***
1011.txt - *** -MacOS- reverse shell- *** *** -on attacker machine type 'netcat -l -p 8888'- ***
1100.txt - *** -MacOS- Grabs 'ifconfig' and 'airport -I' info and sends info through email to attacker- ***
1110.txt - *** -MacOS- Youtube Blaster- ***
1101.txt - *** -MacOS- Fake Update screen- ***
1111.txt - *** -Fake macOS update- ***