This is a REST API for an e-commerce website that provides the following features:
-Retrieving available categories
-Retrieving all available products
-Retrieving products by category
-Adding products to a shopping cart
-Removing products from a shopping cart
-Retrieving the items in the shopping cart and the total sum
-Creating payment session for the current cart using stipe API
Technologies Used:
-Stripe payment system
Getting Started (To run the project locally, you need to have Node.js and npm installed. Then, follow the steps below )
-clone thhe repository
-install the dependencies: 'npm install'
-start the server: 'npm run dev'
The server will be listening on port 3000 by default(http://localhost:3000/). You can change the port by setting the PORT environment variable.
-To use the Stripe payment system, you need to create a Stripe account @
-You can find your API keys in the Stripe Dashboard under the "Developers" section. You'll need to copy your "Publishable key" and "Secret key" and store them in a safe place. You'll use these keys to authenticate with the Stripe API.
-In app.ts Where stripe client is initialized, paste your secret key
-You can now use the Stripe API to create payment sessions.
You can use POSTMAN or Thunder Client to test the endpoints
-GET /api/categories
Returns a list of available categories.
-GET /api/items
Returns a list of all products.
-GET /items-by-category/:category/
Returns a list of products in the specified category.
-POST /api/cart
Adds an item to the user's cart.
-GET /api/cart
Returns the user's cart and total price.
-DELETE /api/cart/:id
Removes an item from the user's cart.
-POST /api/purchase
The endpoint creates a payment session for the current cart using the Stripe API.