While hunting for PSP Movie UMD's I came across a UMD titteled "Kaede Matsushima", after google this name I found out that it's
a japanese porn actress. So naturally I downloaded this disk and tried it on my modded PSP (6.61 PRO-C2 of course).
The disk wasn't even age restricted like other actual porn UMD's.
Because Japanese is hard and not even the Google Translator app could pick up the aweful font they are using. I riped the disk into a video files, after seeing how is the whole RPS game just one video where they skip to a specific time to make the whole game work.
This made me thing that I could be capable or remaking the game in unity. And clearly this is the project.
Planned platforms:
- Windows x86
- Windows x64
- Mac x64
- Linux x86 & x64
- Android
PSVita (either touch or button gameplay like on the PSP)
I am using Unity 2018.2.21f1 because it's the last version to support the PS Vita.
I will be Using Unity 2021, as to get the best support For PC and Android.