Edit: Since the code requires specific versions of the different modules, I've zipped the entire python27 environment into this dropbox file. Size ~ 450 mb. https://www.dropbox.com/s/q9h4976lt3wce4h/Python27.rar?dl=0
List of content.
SatTracker.html - Contains the finished product in coloured HTML format. Recommend it for reading about the project. Download it, don't open it in github window.
SatTracker.ipynb - The Jupyter notebook file, requires Python2 environment.
SatTracker.py - The complete script.
SatTracker_Kongstad.pdf - Contains the Notebook converted version to latex and then PDF. I recommend opening the HTML file instead.
chromedriver_win32.zip - Contains the required Google Chrome Webdriver for succesfully launching the script. If you are on a Linux machine. Go to https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/index.html?path=2.34/