was developed in FREMO to assign a vehicle to a LocoNET-throttle independently of a DCC command station.
In Dispa.ino you can select whether the software should be compiled for usage with LCD or OLED.
DispaSetup is a small utility for testing OLED and keyboard.
- developed for the usage on an Arduino-UNO or a compatible board.
- supports the reading of Parameters from FREDI using the LNSV2-protocol (OLED is requested then).
- supports the reading of Parameters from FREDI using the LNSV2-protocol either with OLED or LCD.
- supports the reading of Parameter SV8...10 from FREDI using the LNSV2-protocol either with OLED or LCD.
- New testpage for showing speed, direction and state of function F0...F16 of the connected FREDI.
- supports the reading of Parameter SV18...34 from FREDI using the LNSV2-protocol either with OLED or LCD.
- supports QR-Code-Reader and direct transfering QR-Code-data to the FREDI, please refer to chapter 2.4 "QR-Code-Leser" in the manual.
- Bugfix for vehicleaddress reading from QR-Code.
- New: Transfer Decodersteps to FREDI without valid vehicleaddress.
- Bugfix for short vehicleaddress reading from QR-Code and transfer to FREDI.
DISPA requires my libraries listed below in addition to various Arduino standard libraries:
The original files developed by FREMO for DISPA can be found here:
the original schematic developed by FREMO for DISPA can be found here: