An IFTTT-Webhook for receiving emails automatically if your Disk Usage exceeds 90% in Ubuntu v14 and above.
Basic Dependencies:
- You must be using Ubuntu or any OS version which is based on Ubuntu v14.04 or above
- You must have installed python3 or above versions
To make this work, you must:
- Download the repo using
git clone
- Edit Lines 4 to 7 in python code to change email address, threshold value and message to be sent as an email.
- Now run the code and see the output. If your Disk Usage has exceeded 90% in any of the disks, then you will receive an email.
- Type
chmod +x
by going to the repo folder. This will make it executable. - Type
crontab -e
to open crontab editor. - To Run this program every minute use
*/1 * * * * /usr/bin/python3 /folder/location/
in crontab - Done!
Your Disk-Usage-Notifier can now send an email automatically at that specified time which you have mentioned in crontab if your Disk Usage exceeds more than the threshold value.