Application implements DQN, DQN with target network, DDQN, dueling architecture of neural network, prioritized experience replay. The training results are summarized in the file /models/
Supported environments:
CartPole-v0, CartPole-v1, MountainCar-v0, Acrobot-v1, 2048-v0, SpaceInvaders-v0, SpaceInvaders-ram-v0, Breakout-v0, Breakout-ram-v0, BeamRider-v0, BeamRider-ram-v0
python3 -env env -eps eps -mode mode [-alg alg] [-mem mem] [-net net] [-pu pu] [-mdl mdl] [-init] [-frames frames] [-save_f save_f] [-update_f update_f] [-vids] [-mdl_blueprint] [-dont_save]
-env env | name of environment
-eps eps | number of training episodes
-mode mode | application mode (train, test, render)
-alg alg | type of algorithm (DQN, DQN+TN, DDQN)
-mem mem | type of experience replay (basic, prioritized)
-net net | neural network architecture (basic, dueling)
-pu pu | processing unit (CPU, GPU)
-mdl mdl | existing model
-init | initialization of experience replay
-frames frames | number of frames which goes to neural network input (1,2,3,4)
-save_f save_f | model saving frequency
-update_f update_f | target network update frequency
-vids | saving video
-mdl_blueprint | saving pdf with blueprint of neural network
-dont_save | disabling of saving any files
python3 pgunn/ -mode train -env CartPole-v0 -eps 5000 -alg DDQN -net dueling -mem prioritized -pu CPU -init -save_f 25
python3 pgunn/ -mode test -env Acrobot-v1 -eps 100 -mdl models/Acrobot-v1.h5
python3 pgunn/ -mode render -env SpaceInvaders-ram-v0 -eps 200 -mdl models/SpaceInvaders-ram-v0.h5 -frames 4 -vids
Visualization script
python3 -filename filename -graph_name graph_name -idx_val idx_val [-coordinate_x coordinate_x] [-coordinate_y coordinate_y] [-lines lines lines ...] [-scatter]
-filename filename | name of file containing output from training
-graph_name graph_name | name of output file containing graph
-idx_val idx_val | index of column with analyzed data
-coordinate_x coordinate_x | maximal showed x value in graph
-coordinate_y coordinate_y | maximal showed y value in graph
-lines lines | list of y values for reference constant lines
-scatter scatter | results from every round
python3 pgunn/ -filename output.out -graph_name score -idx_val 6
python3 pgunn/ -filename log.txt -graph_name results -idx_val 6 -lines 22 30 -scatter
python3 pgunn/ -filename log.out -graph_name moves -idx_val 4 -coordinate_x 50