My dotfiles for i3 on Arch linux on laptop.
Main display:
Sub display:
Only settings related to the 'Depend on' list are excerpted.
Category | Configuration |
Boot Loader | GRUB 2 |
Kernel | Linux Zen, Linux, Linux LTS |
File System | Btrfs on LVM on LUKS2 (SSD, HDD) |
Graphic | Intel UHD 630, NVIDIA GeForce MX150 (NVIDIA Optimus) |
Network | Realtek RTL8169 (LAN), Intel Wireless-AC 9560 (WiFi, Bluetooth) |
Monitor | Laptop Built-in(eDP-1 connected), LG24UD58(HDMI-2 connected) |
Tablet | Wacom Intuos 4 |
Printer | Brother DCP-J152N |
Scanner | Brother DCP-J152N |
Please complete the following tasks:
dotfiles (My dotfiles for command-line interface on Arch linux)
# Options can use other packages or be ignored(see below 'Depend on' list).
# You may have to edit with the file by changing options.
# See Arch wiki for settings.
yay -S <dependent packages>
# Set and enable the required services.
# NetworkManager, wpa_supplicant, apparmor, avahi-daemon, bluetooth, hddtemp,
# clamav-daemon(optional), clamav-freshclam(optional), cups(optional), cups-browserd(optional),
# lightdm, nmb(optional), smb(optional), colord(optional),
# libvirtd(optional), snapper(optional)
# See Arch wiki for settings.
sudo systemctl enable <dependent service packages>
# Set and enable the required user services.
# mpd
# See Arch wiki for settings.
sudo systemctl --user enable <dependent user service packages>
cd ~
git clone .dotfiles-i3
cd .dotfiles-i3
cp <your favorite icon> .face
# Customize to your hardware.
# For Localization, see below 'Localization'.
vi .bin/
PRIMARY_NAME="<your primary monitor>"
vi .bin/
DISPLAY_MAIN="<your primary monitor>"
DISPLAY_SUB="<your secondary monitor>"
vi .config/polybar/config
vi .config/conky/archer-conky-left.conf
vi .config/conky/archer-conky-right.conf
# Add lsm to kernel parameters for apparmor.
sudo vi /etc/default/grub
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="lsm=landlock,lockdown,yama,integrity,apparmor,bpf ..."
sudo update-grub
sudo systemctl reboot
Set the tools:
- Themes:
- lxappearrance-gtk3
- Adapta-Nokto
- Papirus-Dark
- Flatbed Cursors original Black
- Noto Sans CJK JP Regular
- kvantum
- KvAdaptaDark
- fcitx5 (optional)
- nord
- lxappearrance-gtk3
- dotfiles (My dotfiles for command-line interface on Arch linux)
- X
- xorg-server
- xorg-apps (not include xorg-xbacklight, replaced acpilight)
- xf86-input-wacom
(If you haven't wacom tablet,
and the relevant part from.xprofile
) - srandrd (aur)
- numlockx
- Graphics
(If you haven't NVIDIA Optimus,
, and remove or edit.config/mpv/mpv.conf
)- GPU
- Intel (UHD 630)
- NVIDIA Optimus (GeForce MX150)
- nvidia-prime
- nvidia-settings
- Hardware video acceleration
- libva-intel-driver
- intel-gpu-tools
- libva-utils
- libvdpau-va-gl
- vdpauinfo
- Vulkan
- vulkan-icd-loader
- vulkan-headers
- vulkan-validation-layers
- vulkan-tools
- vulkan-intel
- nvidia-utils
- OpenCL
- opencl-headers
- ocl-icd
- intel-compute-runtime
- opencl-nvidia
- cuda
- cuda-tools
- ncurses5-compat-libs (aur)
- opencv-cuda
- python-cuda
- python-pycuda
- Machine learning
- cudnn
- tensorflow-opt-cuda
- python-tensorflow-opt-cuda
- Icon
- papirus-icon-theme
- Cursor
- xcursor-flatbed
- Font
- noto-fonts
- noto-fonts-* (optional) (your locale, cjk is default)
- noto-fonts-emoji
- noto-fonts-extra
- ttf-hackgen (optional) (aur, Japanese font, alacritty use it)
- ttf-meslo-nerd-font-powerlevel10k (aur)
- fantasque-sans-mono
- ttf-monapo (optional) (aur, Japanese font, jdim use it)
- ttf-liberation (optional) (for steam)
- ttf-noto-nerd
- ttf-meslo-nerd
- ttf-hack-nerd
- ttf-fantasque-nerd
- font-manager (font viewer)
- Theme manager
- Gtk
- lxappearrance-gtk3
- Qt
- kvantum
- Gtk
- Login manager
- lightdm
- lightdm-gtk-greeter
- lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings
- lightdm
- User manager
- mugshot (aur)
- Window manager
- i3-wm
- Status bar
- polybar
- procps-ng
- nvidia-smi
(If you haven't NVIDIA Optimus,
and the relevant part form.config/polybar/config
) - hddtemp
- openbsd-netcat
- polybar
- Menu
- dockbarx-git (aur)
- rofi
- rofi-calc
- xfce4-appfinder
- Compositor
- picom/compton
- Background
- nitrogen
- Display
- Display CAL
(If you haven't monitor for creators,
remove a line of
exec --no-startup-id displaycal-apply-profiles
)- displaycal-apply-profiles
- colord
- colord-gtk
- colord-sane
- Redshift
- redshift
- Display CAL
(If you haven't monitor for creators,
remove a line of
- Audio
- pipewire
- lib32-pipewire
- wireplumber
- helvum
- pipewire-alsa
- pipewire-pulse
- pipewire-jack
- lib32-pipewire-jack
- volumeicon
- pavucontrol
- gst-plugin-pipewire
- pipewire
- Geolocation
- geoclue
- Notify daemon
- dunst
- System monitor
- conky-lua-nv
(aur, If you are not sure,
remove lines of
exec --no-startup-id conky
- conky-lua-nv
(aur, If you are not sure,
remove lines of
- Package manager
- octopi (aur)
- snapd (aur)
- yay (aur, from dotfiles)
- Linux security module
- apparmor
- Policy kit
- polkit-gnome
- Keyring
- gnome-keyring (from dotfiles)
- libgnome-keyring (from dotfiles)
- seahorse
- Network manager
- networkmanager
- networkmanager-openvpn
- wireguard-tools
- networkmanager
- mDNS
- avahi
- Windows cooperation (optional)
- samba
- Bluetooth manager
- blueman
- Clipboard manager
- clipit
- Power manager
- systemd-logind
- thermald
- Screen locker
- // xss-lock
- // xautolock
- // xscreensaver
- // light-locker
- Screen shooter
- scrot
- flameshot
- Terminal
- rxvt-unicode-truecolor-wide-glyphs (aur)
- alacritty
- File manager
- thunar
- thunar-archive-plugin (optional) (depend on Archiver)
- thunar-media-tags-plugin
- thunar-volman
- thunar-dropbox (optional) (aur, require dropbox account)
- thunar-shares-plugin (optional) (aur, depend on samba)
- thunar-vcs-plugin (aur)
- gvfs
- gvfs-smb
- gvfs-mtp
- gvfs-gphoto2
- gvfs-afc
- tumbler
- raw-thumbnailer (aur)
- catfish
- ranger (from dotfiles)
- thunar
- Archiver (optional)
- xarchiver
- Editor
- neovim (from dotfiles)
- mousepad (optional)
- Browser
- w3m (from dotfiles)
- vivaldi
- vivaldi-ffmepg-codecs
- brave-bin (aur)
- google-chrome-stable (aur)
- firefox-developer-edition
- firefox-developer-edition-i18n-* (your locale)
- youtube-dl
- Mail
- postfix (from dotfiles)
- neomutt (from dotfiles)
- thunderbird
- birdtray (aur)
- Music player
- mpd
- ncmpcpp
- cantata
- spotify (aur)
- Input method
(If you don't use it,
remove a line of
exec --no-startup-id fcitx5
)- fcitx5-im
- fcitx5-nord
- fcitx5-mozc
- PDF Viewer (optional)
- zathura
- zathura-ps
- zathura-pdf-mupdf
- zathura-djvu
- zathura-cb
- mupdf-gl
- evince
- zathura
- Printer & scanner (optional)
- cups
- brother DCP-J152N printer driver (brother official)
- cups-pdf
- cups-pk-helper
- cups-filters
- system-config-printer
- bluez-cups
- cups
- Virus scanner (optional)
- clamav
- clamtk
- Writer (optional)
- xfburn
- etcher-bin (aur)
- rpi-imager (aur)
- Firewall
- ufw
- gufw
- Cloud
- rclone (from dotfiles)
(If you are not sure,
remove lines of
exec --no-startup-id ~/.bin/
- rclone (from dotfiles)
(If you are not sure,
remove lines of
- System admin (optional)
- gnome-firmware
- fwupd
- fwupd-efi
- gparted
- parted
- gsmartcontrol
- smartmontools
- snapper-gui-git (aur, btrfs user only)
- snapper
- snap-pac
- snap-pac-grub (aur)
- grub-btrfs
- btrfs-assistant (aur, btrfs user only)
- gnome-firmware
- Utility (optional)
- qtqr
- Systemtray application
- udiskie
- remmina
- osmo
- my-weather-indicator-git (aur)
- veracrypt
- uget
- uget-integrator (aur)
- uget-integrator-firefox (aur)
- xpad
- joplin-appimage (aur)
- slack-desktop (aur)
- qsync
(If you haven't qnap nas,
remove a line of
exec --no-startup-id /usr/local/bin/QNAP/QsyncClient/
- Developer tool
- visual-studio-code-bin (aur)
- android-studio (aur)
- dbeaver
- azuredatastudio-bin (aur)
- storageexplorer (aur)
- meld
- postman-bin (aur)
- wireshark-qt
- wireshark-cli
- filezilla (optional)
- Virtual machine (optional)
- virt-manager
- qemu-desktop
- libvirt
- edk2-ovmf
- dnsmasq
- iptables-nft
- virtualbox
- virtualbox-guest-iso
- virtualbox-guest-utils
- vitrualbox-host-dkms (for linux-zen users)
- virtualbox-ext-oracle (aur)
- virt-manager
- Creator tool
- krita
- gimp
- gimp-plugin-gmic
- gimp-nufraw
- gimp-help-* (your locale)
- inkscape
- blender
- Main application
- discord
- jdim
(snap, If you don't use it, remove a line of
) - lutris
- steam (multilib)
- speedcrunch
- calibre
- mcomix (aur)
- geeqie
- xsane
(If you haven't scanner,
remove a line of
exec xsane
)- xsane-gimp
- smplayer
- smplayer-skins
- smplayer-themes
- mpv
- peek
- libreoffice-fresh-* (your locale)
- Edit font settings.
Noto * CJK JP
,HackGen Console NF
# change your locale.
- Edit
.### Datetime
section.${time %Y年%m月%d日}$
# change your locale.
See: Wiki
Name | Description |
---|---| | check package updates. | | set xrandr. | | get hddtemp. | | get nvidia card temperature. | | start polybar. | | start rofi. | | start rofi power menu. | | disable touch pad. | | enable wacom pen tablet. | | script for firefox extension. | | get window class name for i3. |
- bash
- python
- lua
- git
- neovim