A React Native-based app for loan application and management.
- Language: TypeScript is used as a primary language for almost everything other than native modules.
- Biometric Auth: App have Native Biometric Auth using React Native Turbo Module
- State Management: Redux-toolkit is used to make a central store for every slice separately.
- Local Data Persistence: Redux-persist is used to make local data avelible.
- NativeWind CSS: For styling, I have used TailwindCSS-based NativeWind for React native.
- Navigation: For Screen navigation React-Native-Navigation is used with multiple Nav-Stacks Nested with each other.
- Push Notification: Firebase push notification is used to send push notifications to the app.
- Firebase: React-Native-Firebase is used to connect Firebase with the project.
To build and run the project clone it to your local development machine and follow the instructions.
# Run this to install the node package
$ yarn
$ npm install
after successfully installing of node package, Now Build it.
# start the metro server
$ yarn start
$ npm start
# for Android build
$ yarn android
$ npm run android
# for ios
$ yarn ios
$ node run ios
Hello all, We welcome you to give your feedback and report an issues. before working on anything make separate branches for every feature or fix.