Make sure Node.js is installed on your PC, then simply download or clone this repo and install all dependencies:
$ git clone https://github.com/LintangWisesa/React-Plotly-Favoriot-API.git $ cd React-Plotly-Favoriot-API $ npm install
Open your code editor (I'm using Visual Studio Code), insert your Favoriot API key and Favoriot device developer ID to the App.js file!
API key goes to request headers:
var headers = { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'apikey': 'your_API_key' } }
Device developer ID goes to request headers:
var dataBody = { device_developer_id: 'your_device_developer_ID', data: { Temperature: this.refs.temp.value, Humidity: this.refs.hum.value, Potentio: this.refs.pot.value } }
Run the project!
$ npm start
The app will be run automatically on http://localhost:3000/. Try to POST some data & GET the data back from Favoriot!
Enjoy your code~ 😍
Lintang Wisesa 💌 lintangwisesa@ymail.com
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