DineSafe is an open data initiative provided by the city of Toronto. This initiative made public information on the safety of establishments in regards to inspections that are done, any fines incurred or any issues that arose during an inspection.
The current way to access this data is via navigating to http://opendata.toronto.ca/public.health/dinesafe/dinesafe.zip, unzipping the data and scanning an xml file. I wanted to take this process and create an API that any could access; having more ways and easier ways to access this important information can lead to further develop in the way Toronto can be made aware of the locations that they are eating at.
example: https://api-dinesafe.herokuapp.com/establishment/10
To learn more about searching please view the web page available here https://logancorey.github.io/DineSafe-api/
- JRE 1.8
- Maven v3.6.3
- Ruby v2.7.2p137
- Sqlite3
- Clone the repo
- run the command
mvn install
- run the command
rake diensafe:fetch && rake dinesafe:extract && rake dinesafe:create
- run the command
- Your API will now be available at http://localhost:8080/establishment
The Dinesafe API has a few simple tests already made for it testing basic features such as searching and getting establishments. To run these tests run the command mvn test
Being a bit more forward thinking it would be a good idea to implement the following
- Expanding on the searching features with more operators allowing for more complex queries
- Implement some kind of API throttling if there are a lot of calls