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Pluggit - Cache

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Provides an abstracion over most common user caches


/** @var \Cmp\Cache\Cache $cache */
$cache = (new CacheBuilder)
  ->withRedisCacheFromParams($host, $port, $dbNumber)

// Set an item
$cache->set('foo', 'bar');

// Demand an item, throws an exception if not present
$bar = $cache->demand('foo');

// Get an item, if not present in any cache it will return the given default
$default = $cache->get('not found', 'default');

// Delete an item

// Empty the cache

//Create a tagged cache
$taggedCache = $cache->tag('myTag');

//Set a tagged item

//Remove all tagged items

The Cache interface

The cache interface allows access to 10 methods:

  • set
  • setAll
  • has
  • get
  • getAll
  • demand
  • delete
  • deleteAll
  • flush
  • tag
  • appendList
  • increase


Use it to store values in the cache. You can make an item expire after a certain time by passing the $timeToLive parameter bigger than zero

Note: Time to live must be an integer representing seconds


Use it to store multiple values at one


Checks if an item is in the cache and has not expired


Tries to get an item from the cache, and if it's not there, it return a given default value


Tries to get multiple items from the cache, if an item is not found, the key will be returned with a null


Tries to retrieve an item from the cache, if it's not present, it throws a NotFoundException


Deletes an item from the cache

Delete All

Deletes multiple items at once


It empties the cache


Creates a tagged cache instance. It works as a normal cache, but all the entries are put in a special bucket which you can flush.

Cache backends provided

These are the current backend implementations:

  • Redis
  • Array (in memory)
  • ChainCache

Note: You can use the CacheFactory to easily build a cache object with one of the provided backends


The chain cache will accept one or more cache and tries all caches before failing

Cache backend decorator provided

  • LoggerCache

Logger Cache

It allows to log any exception thrown from the decorated cache. You can choose the silent mode to avoid throwing exceptions from the cache

Note: This decorator is used always when building a cache trough the builder, as it ensures that all exceptions thrown extend the base CacheException


It is possible to use tags for grouping related objects. All three provided backends have this ability. To use it just request a new tagged cache instance using the tag() method, and then you'll be able to use it in the same way you use any other cache backend:

// Store one photo in the cache
$cache->set('photo.1', $photoOne);

// Store a set of photos and tag them
$cache->tag('photos')->set('photo.1', $taggedPhotoOne);
$cache->tag('photos')->set('photo.2', $taggedPhotoTwo);

// The photos are into different buckets
$cache->has('photo.1');                // true 
$cache->has('photo.2')                 // false
$cache->tag('photos')->has('photo.1'); // true
$cache->tag('photos')->has('photo.2')  // true

// You can flush all items with the same tag at once
$cache->has('photo.1');                // true 
$cache->tag('photos')->has('photo.1'); // false

Pimple service provider

The library includes a service provider for Pimple ^3.0 (included on Silex ^2.0) to easily register a cache

By default it will register an ArrayCache on the key cache

$pimple->register(new CacheServiceProvider());

/** @var LoggerCache $cache */
$cache = $pimple['cache'];

/** @var ArrayCache $cache */
$arrayCache = $pimple['cache']->getDecoratedCache();


  • cache.backends: an array of backends caches to use, if more than one is provided, the ChainCache will be used to wrap them all. Each backend option must have the key backend, the available options are:

    • array: It will create an ArrayCache (same as default)
    • redis: If you already have a redis connection, it can be passed on the key connection (if a string is used, the provider will try to get the service from the container. If the connection is not given, the provider will try to build a connection reading from the options array:
      • host: by default
      • port: 6379 by default
      • db: 0 by default
      • timeout: 0.0 by default
    • string: If a string is given, the provider will try to get the service from the container, the service must implement then Cmp\Cache\Cache interface
    • Cmp\Cache\Cache: If an object implementing the Cache interface is given, it will be used directly
  • cache.exceptions: a boolean, true by default. If is set to true, the cache will be throw exceptions, if false, no exceptions will be thrown.

  • cache.logging: It allows to log exceptions thrown by the cache system. it accepts an array, with the following options:

    • logger: And instance of an logger implementing the Psr\LoggerInterface
    • log_level: The log level to use for logging the exceptions, 'alert' by default. Must be one of the valid levels defined at Psr\LogLevel


// Redis from parameters
$pimple->register(new PimpleCacheProvider(), ['cache.backends' => [
    ['backend' => 'redis', 'host' => '', 'port' => 6379, 'db' => 1, 'timeout' => 2.5]

// ArrayCache + Redis from existing connection
$pimple->register(new PimpleCacheProvider(), ['cache.backends' => [
    ['backend' => 'array']
    ['backend' => 'redis', 'connection' => $redisConnection,]

// ArrayCache + Redis from a service registered in the container
$pimple->register(new PimpleCacheProvider(), ['cache.backends' => [
    ['backend' => 'array']
    ['backend' => 'redis', 'connection' => 'redis.connection']

// Chain caches with logging and muted exceptions
$pimple->register(new PimpleCacheProvider(), [
    'cache.backends'   => [
        ['backend' => 'array'],
        ['backend' => 'custom_cache_service_key'],
    'cache.exceptions' => false,
    'cache.logging'    => ['logger' => $psrLogger, 'log_level' => PsrLevel::CRITICAL],