Engine for the first assingment of the master's degree in advanced programming.
In this 3D engine you can view gltf models. You can use WASD keys to move and the arrow keys to rotate. The mouse can also be used to rotate and to zoom in and out. There also is a orbiting option that makes the camera orbit around a fixed point using the WASD keys.
In this engine you can drap and drop models that will substitute the one in it. Some models are very big and others very small, for that reason there is a model window where the scale of the model can be changed. The rotation and the position can also be modified.
There is also a window with the camera properties that can be modified.
In this assignment I clearly didn't have the time to finish everything I wanted to do and I will continue to improve this engine. Also, I had a problem realted with the gitignore of the first repository created for this project which made impossible pushing the commits to GitHub from a certain point onwards and that is why this one's first commit is so big. The link for the first repository is : https://github.com/MarcGabernet/Engine (the firsts commits are avalible)
The link for the repository of this project is: https://github.com/MarcGabernet/EngineMarc