The algorithm of Epilepsy is an original theatre play about EEG Epilepsy Seizure Prediction. This play is a collaboration between the Department of Informatics Engineering of the University of Coimbra and Marionet theatre company (
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The play was presented to the public on a season of 5 shows in Teatro da Cerca de São Bernardo, Coimbra, Portugal, from 28 June until 2 July.
This GitHub presents some creative processes concerning computer simulation, EEG, and complex systems. Each folder has its readme file to provide more context.
- Ictogenesis: computational simulations on brains with Epilepsy that generate seizures and interictal epileptiform activity;
- Game of Life: computational simulations of the famous John Conway's Game of Life, as a metaphor for neurons in a microscope and life, as a complex system;
- Fireflies: computational simulations of neurons firing and synchronizing, as a metaphor for neurons firing in the hippocampus;
- Reading EEG: a classic for all of those who work with EEG.