Simplified financial management. Check out beta version:
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App, using the Redux and Redux Toolkit template.
With Node 14, clone the project and inside its directory run:
npm install
Ideally you'll use your own Firebase for that, it's free. So start taking a look on how to setup Firebase for web. In case you don't want to read it, just access Firebase page and try to create a new project, it's just a bunch of "next, next, next" steps.
As hints while creating the Firebase project, remember to choose choices like "development mode"
(so the database will be totally free for writing/reading) and "no analytics" (thus no REACT_APP_FB_MEASUREMENT_ID
variable later).
From your project, once you have created your Firestore Database and
your Firebase Web App, you'll have your own firebaseConfig
data in hands.
Create a .env.local
file using .env
as example. Like doing this:
cp .env .env.local
So then open your .env.local
and put your Firebase config data there. This file won't be versioned,
it's ignored by git, so you won't need to share your own data while contributing.
Runs the app in the development mode:
npm start
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits. You will also see any lint errors in the console.
A few more steps to finish your initial Firebase setup. In your Firebase Console:
- Authentication -> Sign-in method: enable at least the "e-mail/password" mode, but Gmail and Facebook is also a possibility.
- Cloud Firestore -> Rules: if you're planning to store real data, secure it with a few rules, otherwise just let reading/writing to be free/trusty.
- While running the app, during your first queries, a few browser console errors may show up, requiring the creation of indexes on the database. Just follow the link provided by the warning (and wait a few minutes).
And, please, don't create accounts using this Console, but create your account only using the real application form running locally.
Open an issue describing how you're planning to contribute, even plain ideas or clueless bug reports are very good contributions. Then we can check the doable viability (cause Firebase is nice and free but limited), before any hard work.
In case you need a more private conversation, reach me by social media.
For service administrators. Make sure you have the correct environment variables for prodcution, then prepare the static dist folder and publish it with Firebase CLI:
npm install firebase-tools -g
firebase login
npm run build
firebase deploy
For code administrators, if everything worked fine with the build
and tests steps, remember to use npm version x.y.z
where "x.y.z" is the
version number following semantic versioning. Then
push this created tagged commit and write the changelog
on release page.
In a short answer: free independent financial management.
More importantly, it's a funny word available to be registered as a domain.
This "free" stands for the freedom of free source projects, but I'll also try my best to keep it at no costs for end users, even when significant expenses appear.
© Mazuh, released under the MIT License.