CustomIOSAlertView for Xamarin
support for iOS7+
The addSubview is not available in UIAlertView since iOS7. The view hierarchy for this class is private and must not be modified.
As a solution, this class creates an iOS-style dialog which you can extend with any UIViews or buttons. The animations and the looks are copied too and no images or other resources are needed.
Fixed rotation for IOS8
Removed 7 from the class name. Just use CustomIOSAlertView from now on, like: [[CustomIOSAlertView alloc] init];
The initWithParentView method is now deprecated. Please use the init method instead, where you don't need to pass a parent view at all. In case the init doesn't work for you, please leave a note or open an issue here.
Create the UIView object
CustomIOSAlertView alertView = new CustomIOSAlertView();
Add some custom content to the alert view (optional)
UIView customView ..; alertView.ContainerView=customView;
Display the dialog
Close the dialog
To add more buttons, pass a list of titles
alertView.ButtonTitles=new NSString[]{new NSString("Button1"),new NSString("Button2"),new NSString("Button3")}
You can remove all buttons by passing nil
You can enable or disable the iOS7 parallax effects on the alert view
Handle button clicks with a custom delegate
Add the delegate methods:
Handle button clicks with a code block
This is a really quick implementation, and there are a few things missing:
Adding more buttons: they don't exactly match the look with that of on iOS7
Rotation: rotates wrong with the keyboard on