A Resume-Portfolio template for anyone.
See the Demo
Here are the commands you will need to get the work done.
The very first step is to fork the repository from GitHub.(The button appears at right-top corner)
Git clone 'URL' - copy all the code in the current repo you forked
Make changes and 'git add . 'them followed by git commit -m"your message"
Changes have been made, push them git push origin "branch"
You need to change the photograph that appears on left Navbar -> Just paste your photograph(.jpg) in sources folder of this repository and rename it to my_img Now to have the website for a male person there are svg's provided for both. Check it in the folder and rename the src accordingly.
After this, Sky is the limit! play with it and make it awesome!!! Change the text, fill the website with correct information. Share the link with us so that we know how creative you are.
You have the code but it's on your local PC let's make it LIVE on the web. GitHub Pages will make it possible.