The purpose of this project is to use Postman and Newman to automate the testing of a REST booking API. I enable consistent and dependable validation of the API endpoints by automating the testing process, which minimizes manual labor and allows for quicker feedback on modifications.
- Tested the diverse HTTP methods including GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE.
- Collection of tests covering with different API endpoints.
- Environment setup for easy switching between environments.
- Pre-request scripts for data setup.
- Test scripts for assertions and validations.
Documentation Link :
API Documentation - Click here to open documentation
- Postman
- Newman
- JavaScript
- Node.Js
- Newman
- Newman HTML Reporter Library
Node.Js :
Download and Install Node.js on your machine from herePostman :
Download and Install Postman on your machine from hereClone This Repository :
git clone
Import the Postman Collection :
- Open Postman.
- Click on the Import button.
- Select the file from the repository.
Import the Postman environment :
- In Postman, click on the gear icon in the top right corner.
- Select Import and choose the file.
Newman and Report Installation Process :
- Newman Install Command
npm install -g newman
- Newman Html Report Install Command
npm install -g newman-reporter-htmlextra
Select Environment :
- In Postman, select the appropriate environment (e.g., Development, Production) from the top-right dropdown.
Run Collection :
- Select the imported collection from the Collections sidebar.
- Click on the Runner button to open the collection runner.
- Select the desired environment.
- Click Start Test to run the collection.
View Results :
- Once the tests are complete, view the results in the Runner tab.
- Detailed test results can be viewed for each request.
Create Booking
Request URL : Method :
POST- Pre-request Script :
//Prepared Predefined random Data Set: let firstName = pm.variables.replaceIn("{{$randomFirstName}}"); let lastName = pm.variables.replaceIn("{{$randomLastName}}"); let totalPrice = pm.variables.replaceIn("{{$randomPrice}}"); let depositPaid = pm.variables.replaceIn("{{$randomBoolean}}"); let additionalNeeds = pm.variables.replaceIn("{{$randomProductName}}"); //Date: const date = require("moment"); const today = date(); let checkIn = today.add(3, "d").format("YYYY-MM-DD"); let checkOut = today.add(4, "d").format("YYYY-MM-DD"); //Store Variables in Environment: pm.environment.set("firstName", firstName); pm.environment.set("lastName", lastName); pm.environment.set("totalPrice", parseInt(totalPrice)); pm.environment.set("depositPaid", depositPaid); pm.environment.set("checkIn", checkIn); pm.environment.set("checkOut", checkOut); pm.environment.set("additionalNeeds", additionalNeeds);
- Request Body :
{ "firstname": "{{firstName}}", "lastname": "{{lastName}}", "totalprice": {{totalPrice}}, "depositpaid": {{depositPaid}}, "bookingdates": { "checkin": "{{checkIn}}", "checkout": "{{checkOut}}" }, "additionalneeds": "{{additionalNeeds}}" }
- Tests :
//Get the response code: let responseStatusCode = pm.response.code; //If the response code is 200, then do the certian task: switch(responseStatusCode) { case 200: let responseData = pm.response.json(); pm.environment.set("bookingId", responseData.bookingid); pm.test(`Veryfying that Booking Creation is successfull of id-${pm.environment.get("bookingId")}`); break; default: pm.test(`Booking Dosen't Created Successfully!`); }
- Response Body :
{ "bookingid": 804, "booking": { "firstname": "Kennedy", "lastname": "Wolf", "totalprice": 798, "depositpaid": false, "bookingdates": { "checkin": "2024-03-26", "checkout": "2024-03-30" }, "additionalneeds": "Licensed Soft Hat" } }
Read After Create Booking :
Request URL :{{bookingid}}Request Method :
GETPre-request Script :
N/ARequest Body :
N/A- Tests :
/** * Title: Test Script For Data Cross Validation; */ let responseStatusCode = pm.response.code; switch(responseStatusCode) { case 200: let responseData = pm.response.json(); pm.test(`Checking Get Booking Data of id-${pm.environment.get("bookingId")}'s Ok!`); pm.test("Checking if the First Name is inserted as the given input", function() { pm.expect(pm.environment.get("firstName")).to.eql(responseData.firstname); }); pm.test("Checking if the Last Name is inserted as the given input", function() { pm.expect(pm.environment.get("lastName")).to.eql(responseData.lastname); }); pm.test("Checking if the Total Price is inserted as the given input", function() { pm.expect(pm.environment.get("totalPrice")).to.eql(responseData.totalprice); }); pm.test("Checking if the Deposit Paid is inserted as the given input", function() { pm.expect(pm.environment.get("depositPaid")).to.eql(responseData.depositpaid.toString()); }); pm.test("Checking if the Checkin Date is inserted as the given input", function() { pm.expect(pm.environment.get("checkIn")).to.eql(responseData.bookingdates.checkin); }); pm.test("Checking if the Checkout Date is inserted as the given input", function() { pm.expect(pm.environment.get("checkOut")).to.eql(responseData.bookingdates.checkout); }); pm.test("Checking if the AdditionalNeeds is inserted as the given input", function() { pm.expect(pm.environment.get("additionalNeeds")).to.eql(responseData.additionalneeds); }); break; case 500: pm.test(`Server Error of id-${pm.environment.get("bookingId")}'s record!`); break; case 404: pm.test(`Not Found Any Record of id-${pm.environment.get("bookingId")}`); break; default: pm.test(`Geting Trouble To Fetch Data of id-${pm.environment.get("bookingId")}`); }
- Response Body :
{ "firstname": "Kennedy", "lastname": "Wolf", "totalprice": 798, "depositpaid": false, "bookingdates": { "checkin": "2024-03-26", "checkout": "2024-03-30" }, "additionalneeds": "Licensed Soft Hat" }
Create Access Token :
Request URL : Method :
POSTPre-request Script :
N/A- Request Body :
{ "username": "admin", "password": "password123" }
- Tests :
//Get the response code: let responseStatusCode = pm.response.code; //If the response code is 200, then do the certain task: switch(responseStatusCode) { case 200: let responseData = pm.response.json(); pm.environment.set("accessToken", responseData.token); pm.test("Checking if the Access Token is creating."); break; default: pm.test("Doesn't created Access Token Successfully!"); }
- Response Body :
{ "token": "0ac1c17ed76846b" }
Update A Booking :
Request URL :{{bookingid}}Request Method :
PUT- Pre-request Script :
//Predefined Data Set: let updatedFirstName = pm.variables.replaceIn("{{$randomFirstName}}"); let updatedLastName = pm.variables.replaceIn("{{$randomLastName}}"); let updatedTotalPrice = pm.variables.replaceIn("{{$randomPrice}}"); let updatedDepositPaid = pm.variables.replaceIn("{{$randomBoolean}}"); let updatedAdditionalNeeds = pm.variables.replaceIn("{{$randomProductName}}"); //Date: const date = require("moment"); const today = date(); let updatedCheckIn = today.add(2, "d").format("YYYY-MM-DD"); let updatedCheckOut = today.add(4, "d").format("YYYY-MM-DD"); //Store Variables in Environment: pm.environment.set("updatedFirstName", updatedFirstName); pm.environment.set("updatedLastName", updatedLastName); pm.environment.set("updatedTotalPrice", parseInt(updatedTotalPrice)); pm.environment.set("updatedDepositPaid", updatedDepositPaid); pm.environment.set("updatedCheckIn", updatedCheckIn); pm.environment.set("updatedCheckOut", updatedCheckOut); pm.environment.set("updatedAdditionalNeeds", updatedAdditionalNeeds);
- Request Body :
-H Key: Cookie, Value: token=0ac1c17ed76846b { "firstname": "{{updatedFirstName}}", "lastname": "{{updatedLastName}}", "totalprice": {{updatedTotalPrice}}, "depositpaid": {{updatedDepositPaid}}, "bookingdates": { "checkin": "{{updatedCheckIn}}", "checkout": "{{updatedCheckOut}}" }, "additionalneeds": "{{updatedAdditionalNeeds}}" }
- Tests :
/** * Title: Test Script For Data Update Validation; */ let responseStatusCode = pm.response.code; switch(responseStatusCode) { case 200: pm.test(`Veryfying that Booking Data is update of id's-${pm.environment.get("bookingId")}!`); break; case 403: pm.test(`Dosen't modified to Details of Booking ID- ${pm.environment.get("bookingId")}`); break; case 405: pm.test(`There's No Details of Booking ID- ${pm.environment.get("bookingId")} - Create First`); break; default: pm.test("Not Allowed to Update/Delete!"); }
- Response Body :
{ "firstname": "Nicolas", "lastname": "Bode", "totalprice": 238, "depositpaid": false, "bookingdates": { "checkin": "2024-03-25", "checkout": "2024-03-29" }, "additionalneeds": "Tasty Frozen Computer" }
Read After Update A Booking :
Request URL :{{bookingid}}Request Method :
GETPre-request Script :
N/ARequest Body :
N/A- Tests :
/** * Title: Test Script For Updated Data Cross Validation; */ let responseStatusCode = pm.response.code; switch(responseStatusCode) { case 200: let responseData = pm.response.json(); pm.test(`Checking if the Get Booking Data is updated of id's-${pm.environment.get("bookingId")} after update!`); pm.test("Checking if the Updated First Name as provided.", function() { pm.expect(pm.environment.get("updatedFirstName")).to.eql(responseData.firstname); }); pm.test("Checking if the Updated Last Name as provided.", function() { pm.expect(pm.environment.get("updatedLastName")).to.eql(responseData.lastname); }); pm.test("Checking if the Updated Total Price as provided.", function() { pm.expect(pm.environment.get("updatedTotalPrice")).to.eql(responseData.totalprice); }); pm.test("Checking if the Updated Deposit Paid as provided.", function() { pm.expect(pm.environment.get("updatedDepositPaid")).to.eql(responseData.depositpaid.toString()); }); pm.test("Checking if the Updated Checkin Date as provided.", function() { pm.expect(pm.environment.get("updatedCheckIn")).to.eql(responseData.bookingdates.checkin); }); pm.test("Checking if the Updated Checkout Date as provided.", function() { pm.expect(pm.environment.get("updatedCheckOut")).to.eql(responseData.bookingdates.checkout); }); pm.test("Checking if the Updated AdditionalNeeds as provided.", function() { pm.expect(pm.environment.get("updatedAdditionalNeeds")).to.eql(responseData.additionalneeds); }); break; case 500: pm.test(`Server Error of id-${pm.environment.get("bookingId")}'s record!`); break; case 404: pm.test(`Not Found Any Record of id-${pm.environment.get("bookingId")}`); break; default: pm.test(`Geting Trouble To Fetch Data of id-${pm.environment.get("bookingId")}`); }
- Response Body :
{ "firstname": "Nicolas", "lastname": "Bode", "totalprice": 238, "depositpaid": false, "bookingdates": { "checkin": "2024-03-25", "checkout": "2024-03-29" }, "additionalneeds": "Tasty Frozen Computer" }
Partially Update A Booking :
Request URL :{{bookingid}}Request Method :
PATCH- Pre-request Script :
//Predefined Data Set: let partialUpdatedTotalPrice = pm.variables.replaceIn("{{$randomPrice}}"); let partialUpdatedDepositPaid = pm.variables.replaceIn("{{$randomBoolean}}"); //Store Variables in Environment: pm.environment.set("partialUpdatedTotalPrice", parseInt(partialUpdatedTotalPrice)); pm.environment.set("partialUpdatedDepositPaid", partialUpdatedDepositPaid);
- Request Body :
-H Key: Cookie, Value: token=0ac1c17ed76846b { "totalprice": {{partialUpdatedTotalPrice}}, "depositpaid": {{partialUpdatedDepositPaid}} }
- Tests :
//Get the response code: let responseStatusCode = pm.response.code; //if response code is 200, then do certain task: switch(responseStatusCode) { case 200: pm.test(`Veryfying that Booking Data is Partially update of id's-${pm.environment.get("bookingId")}`); break; case 403: pm.test(`Dosen't Partially Modified to Details of Booking ID- ${pm.environment.get("bookingId")}`); break; case 405: pm.test(`There's No Details of Booking ID- ${pm.environment.get("bookingId")} - Create First`); break; default: pm.test("Not Allowed to Update/Delete!"); }
- Response Body :
{ "firstname": "Nicolas", "lastname": "Bode", "totalprice": 232, "depositpaid": false, "bookingdates": { "checkin": "2024-03-25", "checkout": "2024-03-29" }, "additionalneeds": "Tasty Frozen Computer" }
Read After Partially Update A Booking :
Request URL : Method :
GETPre-request Script :
N/ARequest Body :
N/A- Tests :
/** * Title: Test Script For Partial Updated Data Cross Validation; */ let responseStatusCode = pm.response.code; switch(responseStatusCode) { case 200: let responseData = pm.response.json(); pm.test(`Checking if the Booking id's-${pm.environment.get("bookingId")} data is partially updated.`); pm.test("Checking if the Total Price is Partially Updated as provided.", function() { pm.expect(pm.environment.get("partialUpdatedTotalPrice")).to.eql(responseData.totalprice); }); pm.test("Checking if the Deposit Paid is Partially Updated as provided.", function() { pm.expect(pm.environment.get("partialUpdatedDepositPaid")).to.eql(responseData.depositpaid.toString()); }); break; case 500: pm.test(`Server Error of id-${pm.environment.get("bookingId")}'s record!`); break; case 404: pm.test(`Not Found Any Record of id-${pm.environment.get("bookingId")}`); break; default: pm.test(`Geting Trouble To Fetch Data of id-${pm.environment.get("bookingId")}`); }
- Response Body :
{ "firstname": "Nicolas", "lastname": "Bode", "totalprice": 232, "depositpaid": false, "bookingdates": { "checkin": "2024-03-25", "checkout": "2024-03-29" }, "additionalneeds": "Tasty Frozen Computer" }
Delete A Booking :
Request URL :{{bookingid}}Request Method :
DELETEPre-request Script :
N/ARequest Body :
N/A- Header :
key: Cookie Value: token=d1702d49fdaf5e9
- Tests :
//Get the response code: let responseStatusCode = pm.response.code; //If the response code is 200, then do the certain task: switch(responseStatusCode) { case 200: let responseData = pm.response.json(); pm.environment.set("accessToken", responseData.token); pm.test("Checking if the Access Token is creating."); break; default: pm.test("Doesn't created Access Token Successfully!"); }
- Response Body :
Created -> Postman Problem
Read After Deleted Booking :
Request URL :{{bookingid}}Request Method :
GETPre-request Script :
N/ARequest Body :
N/A- Tests :
//Response Code: let responseStatusCode = pm.response.code; //if response code is 200, then do the certain task: switch(responseStatusCode) { case 500: pm.test(`Server Error of id-${pm.environment.get("bookingId")}'s record!`); break; case 404: pm.test(`Not Found Any Record of id-${pm.environment.get("bookingId")}. Deleted Successfully!`); break; default: pm.test(`Trouble to Fetch Data of id-${pm.environment.get("bookingId")}`); }
- Response Body :
Not Found
- Run Command For Console :
newman run BookingAPI_Coll.postman_collection.json -e BookingAPI_ENV.postman_environment.json
- Run Command For Report Generate :
newman run BookingAPI_Coll.postman_collection.json -e BookingAPI_ENV.postman_environment.json -r cli,htmlextra