This is a video of the program running
Before you can build and run this project, you need to have the following installed:
C++ compiler supporting C++17
Qt5 or Qt6
NGL (NCCA Graphics Library)
vcpkg (for dependency management)
To build use
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
and to run use
- Scroll: Zoom
- Left Mouse: Drag to rotate
- Right Mouse: Pan camera
- Space: Reset camera
- ESC: Exit program
- 'src/': Contains all '.cpp' source files
- 'include/': Contains all '.h' header files.
- 'shaders/': Contains GLSL shaders used by NGL.
- 'CMakeLists.txt': Contains CMake configuration for building the project.
- NGLScene: Creates the program window & manages the rendering and shader order, drawing/ paint operations, and Qt for drawing the navigation instructions.
- Emmiter: Handles the particle simulation.
- Particle.h: Declares the default attributes of particles.
The program starts with Main.cpp then opens NGLScene (this is where the main code loop occurs).
In NGLScene the window is set to grey the light's attributes are set, the emmiter and
I am using GLSL, C++, CMake and NGL for this program.
Currently using ngl VAO GL_POINTS to create simple particles
The Particle data structure is stored in "Particle.h" as part of a struct. This also contains the default particle attribute declaration.
The Emmiters parameters, functions and data are stored in "Emmiter.h" as part of a class.
- Flip Fluid Sim
- Eulerian Fluid Sim
- Fire Sim
- Particle Based Fluid Sim
I am using the particle system made during John Macey's workshops/ lessons as the basis for the code/ system.
In the demo by TenMinutePhysics
on Eulerian fluid he has multiple test enviroments for the simulation,
I think if I start with creating the wind tunnel enviroment this should be the simplest, then I can potentially add the paint test enviroment as I think this is the nicest one to interact with.
I will also just stick with showing just the smoke view.
After some thinking and looking through the Euler method, I think I will switch to using the particle based method instead as we have been working on something similar in workshops. I have started my research with this video as referance by Sebastian Lague on how to create a realistic particle based fluid sim. I think this method will be easier to implement with current code.
I found it hard to use Sebastian Lagues video to implement the optimization step as I found some parts had explanations which made the problem seem more confusing than it was, for instance the collision radius effect was overwhelming to look at and understand, when the effect radius of every particle is shown at once, instead of 2 or a few of them.
To keep the video of my program short I only simulated 5000 particles at once allowing the box to fill quicker, although because of this the start is a bit slow on the FPS because of the way the optimization I implemented works, I found this video by Inside Code the best at explaining how it works. Essentially though the optimization works by creating a grid in this case 3D and use it as a way to index every particles general position, then only compare other particles that have an index value within a radius of two from the current particles own cell, which it resides in. The other video by Pixel Physics also was very useful in explaining, they also go through the entire program simulation structure with code snippets, similar to sebastian Lague.
I gave up on the fluid sim due to time constraints and complexity in optimising the code.
I ended up flip flopping on this, as once I got shader handling working correctly I basically had everything needed for a fire sim, and so implementing the fluid sim would be the next step in complexity. At least this was my thinking.
void Emitter::update()
// Define necessary variables
float _dt = 0.1f; // Delta Time
ngl::Vec3 gravity(0, -9.87, 0); // Gravity
// choose number to birth
// find first not alive and set as new particle
int numberToBirth = 10 + ngl::Random::randomPositiveNumber(10);
for (int i = 0; i < numberToBirth; ++i)
auto p = std::find_if(std::begin(m_particles), std::end(m_particles), [](auto p)
return p.isAlive == false;
// Vector to store particle indices and positions
std::vector<std::pair<size_t, ngl::Vec3>> particleIndicesAndPositions;
// Loop through each particle
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_particles.size(); ++i)
auto &p = m_particles[i];
if (p.isAlive == true)
// Apply gravity
p.dir += gravity * _dt * 0.5;
// Update position
p.pos += p.dir * _dt;
p.size += 1.0f;
// Kill particle if life ends and it reaches the bottom
if ( <= 0 && p.pos.m_y <= -4.0)
// Handle boundary collisions
// Store particle index and position
particleIndicesAndPositions.push_back(std::make_pair(i, p.pos));
// Now all particle indices and positions stored in particleIndicesAndPositions vector
// Loop through this vector and compare positions to detect collisions
for (const auto &pair : particleIndicesAndPositions)
size_t index = pair.first;
ngl::Vec3 pos = pair.second;
// Loop through all particles to check for collisions with current particle
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_particles.size(); ++i)
if (i != index && m_particles[i].isAlive)
// Calculate distance between particles
float distSq = (pos - m_particles[i].pos).lengthSquared();
// If particles collide
if (distSq < (m_particles[index].size + m_particles[i].size) * (m_particles[index].size + m_particles[i].size))
// Implement collision response
// For simplicity I'm just reversing their velocities
m_particles[index].dir = -m_particles[index].dir;
m_particles[i].dir = -m_particles[i].dir;
Because of this I am going to try making a first person scene with a campfire without particle inter-particle interaction.
Particle generation -- Working
Bounding box -- Done and working
set up particle spheres of influence/ smoothing -- Not setup currently collisions are immediate and not proportional
Shader handling -- Partially working currently working on intergrating with camera controls
This picuture is before implementing the PBR shader, in this version I was using custom shaders.
inter particle interaction -- Done
Improve camera controls
-- Made Field of View Adjustable Need to re-implement.
Add user interaction with particles -- User interaction is not setup
Added VAOPrimitive with transforms, shaders and camera controls
-- I had the particles and disk in the same scene, but the disk would slowly move upwards instead of staying still, currently trying to fix Fixed.
Create a UI -- Basic Controlls are displayed to the player