docs - Mass properties data for each mesh, exported from SolidWorks.
r1_description - The model mesh files The URDFs Rviz launch file, to visualize the robot model and play with the joints
r1_gazebo - A .gazebo config file which defines the skid-steer controller and other dynamics properties for the rover in Gazebo The Gazebo launch file which brings up the rover in Gazebo (in the WillowGarage world ... might take some time to load at first launch)
r1_teleop - A simple teleop node for an Xbox controller so you can drive the rover around in Gazebo to test dynamics props/the skid-steer controller The teleop launch file which brings up the teleop node and Joy to read from the controller
Once your catkin workspace is built, run either of the following to see the model:
roslaunch r1_description display.launch
roslaunch r1_gazebo gazebo.launch