⚠️ The contents of this repo moved to PythonWorkshop and new contents are being actively added there.
Hello Pythoneer! Want to learn Python 🐍 with having fun? You have come to the right repository
🚀 Homepage
Our docker image is bundled with all the required to run this repository.
- Pull the docker image
docker pull naveen8/pythonworkshop:latest
- Clone our repository
git clone https://github.com/NaveenKumarReddy8/PythonWorkshop.git
- Run our docker image mounting our repo and port forwarding the container port 8888 to host port.
docker container run -p 8888:8888/tcp -v <cloned_repo_destination>:/pythonworkshop naveen8/pythonworkshp:latest
Or using the docker compose to spin up the container 😎 🚀:
cd into the cloned repository directory and use the following command.
docker compose up
Open the localhost url being shown in the logs which contains the token for authentication.
- Clone our repository
git clone https://github.com/NaveenKumarReddy8/PythonWorkshop.git
- Build the Docker image using the Dockerfile.
docker image build -t <repository>:<tag> .
- Run the docker image just created mounting our repo and port forwarding the container port 8888 to host port.
docker container run -p 8888:8888/tcp -v <cloned_repo_destination>:/pythonworkshop naveen8/pythonworkshp:latest
Or using the docker compose to spin up the container 😎 🚀:
cd into the cloned repository directory and use the following command.
docker compose up
To generate the markdown file of a particular .ipynb notebook:
# Single file
jupyter nbconvert --to markdown <ipynb file>
# Multiple files
for f in *.ipynb; do jupyter nbconvert --to markdown $f; done
To concat multiple markdown files we use pandoc
pandoc -s 1_file.md 2_file.md 3_file.md -o merge.md
# We do use chronological numerical order in our repo, so we can write the above command as:
pandoc -s $(ls -v *.md) -o merge.md
To convert the pandoc style markdown file generated to Github Flavoured markdown:
pandoc -s merge.md -o github_flavoured_markdown.md --to gfm
Made with Love