This repo consists of a simple node js application, containerized using Docker and deployed to AWS ECS
./src: Containing Source Code and Docker file
./terraform: IAC configuration
./.github: Pipeline scripts
Terraform: Consists of 2 modules
- Creation of ECS cluster(creates a VPC if not created) using EC2 instances
- Creation of ALB and creation of target group to expose the service of ECS cluster later.
Github Workflow Consists of 2 files
- terraform_workflow.yaml which observes the changes in ./terraform folder and makes the changes to infrastructure
- deploy_workflow.yaml which observes changes in ./src folder and builds the image pushes to ECR repo and deploy to ECS cluster.
Terraform commands on Manual run locally
1.terraform init
2.terraform workspace new dev
3.terraform plan --var-file .\environments\dev.tfvars
4.terraform apply --var-file .\environments\dev.tfvars --auto-approve
TO destroy:
1.terraform destroy --var-file .\environments\dev.tfvars --auto-approve
Note:--auto-approve is used when u dont wnat to answer confirmation prompt