NiraiSprite is a program to draw sprites for retro-style games.
The specification is inspired by the SNES, with support for 15 ARGB1555 colors + 1 transparent color per palette.
256 color mode to be added soon.
NiraiSprite was stored on my Google Drive until their terms of service threatened my intellectual property.
Head over to releases and download the latest, and extract it anywhere on your computer.
You can run it from its folder.
There are no releases for Linux at the moment, so either download the Windows release and run it with WINE, or try building it yourself. I promise it's easy.
Before you try building NiraiSprite all by yourself, make sure you have the correct dependencies installed.
These are:
GCC or the GNU Compiler Collection.
If you're using GNU/Linux, you can install this with your distro's package manager, if it's not already installed.
If you're on Windows, please use MinGW.
SDL2 version greater than or equal to 2.23.0 but less than or equal to 2.30.7, unless you know what you're doing.
SDL2 version 2.30.8 has bugs with displaying the cursor icons.
If you're on Linux, you can use your package manager to install the libraries and runtime binaries for this.
When in doubt, follow their wiki.
If you don't know how to use git, what are you doing here?
Install git before trying to clone this. Otherwise, that won't work.
make or Make for Windows on Windows
All that matters is that you install make somehow.
Tiny File Dialogs is already a submodule, so don't fret too much about this one.
This is a platform-agnostic way to prepare the NiraiSprite directory so you can build the program.
Clone and cd into the directory, and initialize submodules
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd NiraiSprite
Now you can proceed to building!
Run make
If all dependencies were installed correctly, then it should work.
This guide uses the PowerShell command line.
If you don't know how to do that, just download the release.
Firstly, download an SDL2 release (correct versions are specified in Prerequisites) for your compiler. This should look something like "".
Extract the archive somewhere so that you can access the files inside.
Inside the folder, there are two folders to choose from, and you only need one of them.
One is i686-w64-mingw32, which is for 32-bit x86 computers. You probably won't use this one. The other one (Recommended!!) is x86_64-w64-mingw32, for 64-bit x86 computers. If you have a different CPU architecture, you'll need to build it yourself.
Inside whichever folder you chose, there will be 4 more folders: bin, include, lib, and share.
In the "bin" folder, there's an SDL2.dll file you should copy into your NiraiSprite directory.
Also, copy the "lib" and "include" folders there as well.
Now you should be ready to start building NiraiSprite.
Open a terminal in the NiraiSprite directory, or open PowerShell and cd into it, wherever you put it.
run make, passing the win32 makefile.
If you have not added Make For Windows to your path, or installed make in some other way, do so before running this command.
make -f Makefile.win32
Then you can run the executable.
Congrats, You just built NiraiSprite. Enjoy!