- Go to this website https://www.libsdl.org/download-2.0.php
- Development Libraries-> SDL2-devel-2.0.16-VC.zip (Visual C++ 32/64-bit)
- Create or add existing the cpp file to the source file section
- Change the settings to x64
- Go to project->properties
- Go to VC++ directories->Include Directories->Edit->Add downloaded SDL2 folder's include folder
- Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies->Edit-> Add two lines SDL2.lib;SDL2main.lib;
- VC++ directories->Library Directories->Edit->downloaded SDL2 folder->lib->x64
- Line Drawing (using DDA and Bressenam's algorithm)
- Circle Drawing (using midpoint and Bressenham's algorithm)
- Flood fill and Boundary fill algorithm (using graphics.h)
- Scan Line algorithm