This is the paint program made by me (no partners) for a school project. Made in python and converted to an .exe file to run without installing python. The source code of the .exe can be found in the source folder
Step 1: Download the paint program (.exe file) and the folders required (compressed together as .rar) in the same folder
Step 2: Decompress the compressed file (Make sure that the folders created are in the same file as the program)
Step 3: You should now have a folder with the .exe program, and the following files: GIF Frames, Images, Saves, Stamps. It should also include the Gusty Garden Galaxy - Super Mario Galaxy.mp3. If you have all of those under the same folder, running the Paint Project.exe should work
Step 4: Enjoy!
Thank you for downloading my paint program. The goal was to create a simple paint project, I pushed my abilities and made this. Unfortunately, I had to do other things, and was unable to finish the game portion of my paint program within the week I was working on this project.
This was made with python, using the following modules: os, time, random, functools, math, pygame, requests
This program was then changed from a .py to a .exe using pyinstaller.
All credits go to (me) Noor Nasri, except for the gifs shown in the menus,the music, and the Nintendo switch. Those arts belong to their rightful owners. I did create everything else though.