Data Analysis for PyCitySchools
We are analyzing data for 15 schools representing 39,170 students in the district with various sizes and budgets. The summary is provided in the table name Summary Per School. Overall the % overall passing rate is 65% which seems pretty low. Looking at the school level, the % Overall passing Rate spans from 53% to 91%. The highest % Overall Passsing Rate seem to be found in Medium and Small size school while the lowest are in the laregr Schools. According the collected data, the success ration (% Overall Passing Rate) is not linked to the allocated budget. With one exception the largest schools have the lowest % Overall Passing Rate. This conclusion is confirmed by the analyzis that focuses on success rate per school size showing 53% for the largest schools and around 90% for the Medium and Small Schools. Finally, according to the collected data the student attending a District school seem to perform better than those in Charter schools.
The same summary table (per school summary) shows a correlation between % Overall Passing Rate and % Overall Passing Math. Anlyzing the math and reading per grade from 9th to 12th grade shows that the best performing Schools (highest % Overall Passing Rate) have the highest reading and math gardes. We can also notice a consistency throughout the grades showing the students are coached to perform above average compared to other student from other schools at the same grade.