This is the official release of the nuspacesim simulator tool!
This package simulates upward-going extensive air showers caused by neutrino interactions with the atmosphere. It calculates the tau neutrino acceptance for the Optical Cherenkov technique. The simulation is parameterized by an input TOML configuration file, with settings for detector characteristics and global parameters. The package also provides a python3 API for programatic access.
Tau propagation is interpolated using included data tables from nupyprop.
is available through pip.
python3 -m pip install nuspacesim
The command line simulator uses a TOML file to store configuration parameters. To generate a default configuration file run the following, with your choice of file name.
nuspacesim create-config my_config_file.toml
Simulate neutrino interactions and save the results to a named fits file.
nuspacesim run my_config_file.toml -o my_nss_sim.fits
The sphinx documentation is available at ReadTheDocs
Use the --help
flag for documentation.
$ nuspacesim --help
Usage: nuspacesim [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--debug / --no-debug
--help Show this message and exit.
create-config Generate a configuration file from the given parameters.
run Main Simulator for nuspacesim.
Help documentation is also available for the subcommands.
$ nuspacesim run --help
python3 -m pip uninstall nuspacesim
git clone
cd nuSpaceSim
python3 -m pip install -e .
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