I had to change the UI to eliminate the possibility of having two incorrect answers being what is recalled, instead of the correct answer.
Created with Visual Studio Community Edition 2017
SQLite.net-pcl by Øystein Krog, Frank Krueger, Tim Heuer
SQLite for UniversalWindowsPlatform
Visual C++ 2015 Runtime for Universal Windows Platform Apps
#Uploading a course
The only way to currently upload a course to GLIDE, is to edit the lesson, problem, topic, and answers class files.
Every Topic must must have one, and only one, lesson image.
Every Topic must have AT LEAST one problem image. More than one problem is completely fine. The more problems that exist per-topic, the more accurately GLIDE can calculate the difficulty for the topic for who ever is using the software.
Every Problem must have three, and only three, associated answer images.