This file contains the necessary instructions to install the depenndancies and run the RTSA
- sudo apt-get install python
- sudo apt-get install python-matplotlib
- sudo apt-get install python-numpy
- sudo apt-get install python-qt4
- sudo apt-get install python-pyside
On your terminal run the following commands. Replace 'user@ip-address' with the one for the Raspberry Pi e.g. pi@
- ssh-keygen
- ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ user@ip-address (the next line is optional and just to ensure that a password is not required anymore)
- ssh user@ip-address
Once the snapboard has started capturing the spectra. Run the following commands on a terminal in the cloned folder in the following sequence.
(the first command only needs to be executed once after cloning the repository)
- chmod +x *.sh
- ./
The following points represent areas where the software and usability of the spectrum analyser can be improved.
- Adding a help menu in the UI with the descriptions on the interfaces
- Showing short descriptions on the interfaces when the mouse hovers over