released this
25 Feb 11:41
Version 1.3.1
internal functions to serialize and load the session information like connection, process collection, etc.
changed OIDC provider and default client selection
automatically selects first OIDC provider withe default_clients
defined #142 ,
automatically selects a default client by the its id containing "openeo" at first, otherwise the first default client in the list is selected #146
argument bounding box tries to extract the EPSG code it EPSGCode was provided as WKT2
compute_result now looks for a format in "save_result" if it was not stated in the call
CollectionId argument now checks if a string pattern is available
OutputFormat argument checks the "FileFormat" class separately to avoid warnings
fixed an issue where it was not possible to connect to an openEO back-end with a dedicated link (also for reconnect in the connection contract)
fixed warning messages shown on describe_collection()
using an object of class Collection
from list_collection()
.create_sample_bbox interpretes now correctly a serialized extent object
.find_process_by_name is no longer giving a false message when a process is passed to it
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