Most of the interactions between SBML and LEMS/NeuroML showcased here are enabled by:
The SBML to LEMS import function in: org.neuroml.importer
The LEMS/NeuroML to SBML export function in: org.neuroml.export
Note these features can be accessed easily with the pyNeuroML tool. For example:
Load LEMSFile.xml using pyNeuroML, and convert it to SBML format:
pynml LEMSFile.xml -sbml
Load LEMSFile.xml using pyNeuroML, and convert it to SBML format with a SED-ML specification for the experiment:
pynml LEMSFile.xml -sbml-sedml
Load SBMLFile.sbml using jSBML, and convert it to LEMS format using values for duration & dt in ms
pynml -sbml-import SBMLFile.sbml duration dt
See also